
Numbers of new cases and deaths are higher now than when he imposed the mask mandate. Don't make no sense.

i agree it really doesn't make sense at all.....and today on the news, people are saying he didn't even get with the medical advisers either before making this decision.........that right there makes me smh
Texas, pshaw. Barely a concern to wrincle anyone's brow.

Iceland preparing for possible volcano eruption after thousands of earthquakes in past week
"Of course it worries people. For this region, this is actually fairly unusual, not because of the type of earthquakes or their intensity, but for their duration. It's been going for more than a week now," said a volcanology professor at the University of Iceland, Þorvaldur Þórðarson, in an interview with the network. "We are battling with the 'why' at the moment. Why is this happening? It is very likely that we have an intrusion of magma into the crust there. It has definitely moved closer to the surface, but we are trying to figure out if it's moving even closer to it."

They are trying to figure out the why for the THOUSANDS of earthquakes? Have they never seen a horror movie. The guy trying to tell people this is not normal? I would try and figure out how to take an extended vacation in Cancun.
i agree it really doesn't make sense at all.....and today on the news, people are saying he didn't even get with the medical advisers either before making this decision.........that right there makes me smh
Here in Florida we have a real winner too. He's catching heat now for putting his rich friends to the front of the line for the vaccine. The medical folks think the UK variant is becoming the main one here, but they are not sure because we don't do enough RNA sequencing each week. But you should have heard the GOP faithful at the state of the state speech on Tuesday. I worry about my neighbors' sanity.
What about Mississippi? They've thrown out the red covid carpet too.
both Texas and Miss are removing the mask mandate and open the states at 100%...very scary in my view
Yeah, I'd go so far as to say they were a threat to national security, or at least to the health and safety of the country as a whole. I think changing demographics, the power crises and covid mismanagement could lead to a change in government in Texas next time around. The republicans only have a 9 seat advantage in the house now and state wide offices are easier for the democrats to get. Ted Cruz is up for reelection in 2024 too and might be easy to knock off then, considering his record and the fact that he's an asshole.
Yeah, I'd go so far as to say they were a threat to national security, or at least to the health and safety of the country as a whole. I think changing demographics, the power crises and covid mismanagement could lead to a change in government in Texas next time around. The republicans only have a 9 seat advantage in the house now and state wide offices are easier for the democrats to get. Ted Cruz is up for reelection in 2024 too and might be easy to knock off then, considering his record and the fact that he's an asshole.

you could be right.....now in 2022 Abbott is up for re-election...as of the moment his only contenter and get this, might be Beto Orouke as the presant time cause they are trading jabs of sorts, the last jab was over the power grid stuff

........now for Ted that $#%^^$$, i don't know who his challenger is at this time....time will tell with that one.....but he just needs to go down, like to see him up on charges for sedition cause of his vote to challenge the last election...

now the demographics at this time.....most large cities are blue, even the one i'm close too.....the lower and upper rio grande area are blue, it's just getting to the outer areas is where the blue have a problem with cause most of those are red and have stayed red for a very very long time......that's the trick....getting to them and have them change......

you could be right.....now in 2022 Abbott is up for re-election...as of the moment his only contenter and get this, might be Beto Orouke as the presant time cause they are trading jabs of sorts, the last jab was over the power grid stuff

........now for Ted that $#%^^$$, i don't know who his challenger is at this time....time will tell with that one.....but he just needs to go down, like to see him up on charges for sedition cause of his vote to challenge the last election...

now the demographics at this time.....most large cities are blue, even the one i'm close too.....the lower and upper rio grande area are blue, it's just getting to the outer areas is where the blue have a problem with cause most of those are red and have stayed red for a very very long time......that's the trick....getting to them and have them change......
The democrats stand a chance of overturning the state government in 2022 and Beto came real close with Ted in 2018. I think since the election and especially since Jan 6th, the republicans have lost at least 10% support in the country as a whole. Hundreds of thousands have already walked out of the party and only the scum remains, the republicans are shrinking in numbers, but being concentrated with crazy.

It's not a running mate for 2024 that should concern Trump, but a cellmate in 2021(himself, he will be in solitary).
i agree it really doesn't make sense at all.....and today on the news, people are saying he didn't even get with the medical advisers either before making this decision.........that right there makes me smh

You could consider the information below taken from an article by Jeff Thomas published at Lew Rockwell this morning and come to a different conclusion. Also it was "illegal" for the Governor of Texas to lockdown and issue mask orders in the first place.

The death total, according to some agencies is NOT what you've been told.

Interestingly, however, most all Americans seem quite willing to accept the 400,000 death count as being accurate.

And yet we can obtain the A.M.A. and/or CDC/NCHS annual All-Cause death statistics and both sources offer up a very different picture.

Let’s have a look:

We can see that the death count seems to increase by about 1% each year – predictably, as the population also increases. Therefore, if there had been no coronavirus, we might have expected an all-cause death count of about 2,883,386, but the actual count for 2020 was 2,916,492, or an increase from the norm of 33,106, not 400,000. Based upon a total population of 330,849,169, if every single one of these additional deaths was due to covid-19, this would mean a death rate

This death rate is clearly not in keeping with a pandemic. But it is, in fact, very much in keeping with a standard flu season rate.

The only way that the coronavirus could be responsible for 400,000 deaths in the US in 2020 would be if at least 367,000 people conveniently ceased dying of other causes, such as heart failure, car crashes and cancer.

Researcher Thomas Di Ferdinando, in reviewing the extraordinary increase in claimed death count, has commented,

“Without those added deaths, there would be no evidence of a Covid pandemic. This triangulation of facts: essentially no excess deaths beyond the normal annual background count; absolutely NO relationship between Covid “confirmed” cases and Covid “confirmed” deaths; and the mysterious, last-minute dump of 268,259 all-cause deaths into the 2020 end-of-year all-cause death totals; completely demolish any pretext of their having been a 2020 viral pandemic, whether caused by a novel coronavirus or by anything else and that therefore there is no rational reason to be putting masks on children, isolating elders, destroying businesses, locking down populations and shattering the public trust.”
You could consider the information below taken from an article by Jeff Thomas published at Lew Rockwell this morning and come to a different conclusion. Also it was "illegal" for the Governor of Texas to lockdown and issue mask orders in the first place.
Is this someone legit or just more troll nonsense?

The death total, according to some agencies is NOT what you've been told.

No shit, Trump had been having the books cooked all 2020.

You could consider the information below taken from an article by Jeff Thomas published at Lew Rockwell this morning and come to a different conclusion. Also it was "illegal" for the Governor of Texas to lockdown and issue mask orders in the first place.

The death total, according to some agencies is NOT what you've been told.

Interestingly, however, most all Americans seem quite willing to accept the 400,000 death count as being accurate.

And yet we can obtain the A.M.A. and/or CDC/NCHS annual All-Cause death statistics and both sources offer up a very different picture.

Let’s have a look:

We can see that the death count seems to increase by about 1% each year – predictably, as the population also increases. Therefore, if there had been no coronavirus, we might have expected an all-cause death count of about 2,883,386, but the actual count for 2020 was 2,916,492, or an increase from the norm of 33,106, not 400,000. Based upon a total population of 330,849,169, if every single one of these additional deaths was due to covid-19, this would mean a death rate

This death rate is clearly not in keeping with a pandemic. But it is, in fact, very much in keeping with a standard flu season rate.

The only way that the coronavirus could be responsible for 400,000 deaths in the US in 2020 would be if at least 367,000 people conveniently ceased dying of other causes, such as heart failure, car crashes and cancer.

Researcher Thomas Di Ferdinando, in reviewing the extraordinary increase in claimed death count, has commented,

“Without those added deaths, there would be no evidence of a Covid pandemic. This triangulation of facts: essentially no excess deaths beyond the normal annual background count; absolutely NO relationship between Covid “confirmed” cases and Covid “confirmed” deaths; and the mysterious, last-minute dump of 268,259 all-cause deaths into the 2020 end-of-year all-cause death totals; completely demolish any pretext of their having been a 2020 viral pandemic, whether caused by a novel coronavirus or by anything else and that therefore there is no rational reason to be putting masks on children, isolating elders, destroying businesses, locking down populations and shattering the public trust.”
I don't know anything about this 'us facts' website, but they have deaths over 3.1 million, so not sure about your numbers not being anything other than bullshit. How well do you know the guy who gave you that data?

Screen Shot 2021-03-09 at 8.31.33 AM.png
Texas is the taint of the USA.

The color shift to blue is sometimes tumultuous and chaotic as the right comes apart at the seams. There could be changes in Texas come 2022, the democrats are only down by 9 seats there and state wide offices are up for grabs. Usually they lose seats in off year elections, I think if Joe keeps up the good job, he will have coattails in 2022 and they might gain some, especially in the senate. Soon you and many other American will be getting a check from Uncle Sam, but it won't have Joe's name on it like Trump's.