Texas Sends Armed Troops to Defend the Border


Well-Known Member
nope. hawaiian.

people who aren't racist don't need that lesson.

you are one racist little cowardly bitch. still got my IP?

Your in laws have moved you twice since then haven't they?

Why are you offended by Kenyan but not Hawaiian?

How much Hawaiian blood would you guess he has?


Well-Known Member
Your in laws have moved you twice since then haven't they?

Why are you offended by Kenyan but not Hawaiian?

How much Hawaiian blood would you guess he has?
you don't have to play dumb. it's redundant.

i guess you're just proud of being racist now. good for you on coming out of the closet.


Well-Known Member
you don't have to play dumb. it's redundant.

i guess you're just proud of being racist now. good for you on coming out of the closet.
So I guess you've got nothing left. Sorry man, maybe a life outside of a pot forum just wasn't for you.


Well-Known Member
nope. hawaiian.

people who aren't racist don't need that lesson.

you are one racist little cowardly bitch. still got my IP?

glad I'm not blinded by that nonsense. I see O for what he is. an oligarch, the pinata of the Tyrants, for the plebs to throw fruit at. as was the Busheses, as was Horny Bill, as Shillary will be. the Republic is fallen.


Well-Known Member
glad I'm not blinded by that nonsense. I see O for what he is. an oligarch, the pinata of the Tyrants, for the plebs to throw fruit at. as was the Busheses, as was Horny Bill, as Shillary will be. the Republic is fallen.
He's odd. I even told him that now that I know it bothers him so much I'm going to keep doing it and he STILL allows himself to get lathered up over something so trivial,

A surprisingly weak mind and constitution. I'll probably get bored of it before he gets over it, so he's got that to hold.


Well-Known Member
He's odd. I even told him that now that I know it bothers him so much I'm going to keep doing it and he STILL allows himself to get lathered up over something so trivial,

A surprisingly weak mind and constitution. I'll probably get bored of it before he gets over it, so he's got that to hold.
it beats burning ants with a magnifying glass in the sun........


Well-Known Member
its not just him. most; cheering for their favorite chariot team, eating their free loaves. we, as a nation, deserve the coming blow.
I however, do not deserve it, and have made, and continue to make, provisions for my well-being, so I do not have to pay the same bill as the state-worshippers.


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to get there. I'm presently at the mercy of those who sign my check. Soon grasshopper soon.


Well-Known Member
So I guess you've got nothing left. Sorry man, maybe a life outside of a pot forum just wasn't for you.
at least you're a proud racist now, unlike your buddy desert dude who still denies his membership in the white supremacy group, or your other buddy greenlikemoney, who is happy to come to your defense whenever he is not following hispanics around the grocery store and bemoaning "urban welfare rat porch sitters".

you keep some fine company.


Well-Known Member
So he's not Kenyan?

You think they pulled that bio out of thin air without his knowledge? Oh you might, you've never had a bio written of you have you.

Why does it matter so much to you. It's like your kryptonite or something. I'm sure if the Kenyan himself were reading this he'd call you racist.
Why do you keep saying he is Kenyan ?


Well-Known Member
O is Internationalist. he is globalist. America means as much to him as Kenya, Bhutan, or the Republic of East Jabip. he is loyal to banks, not nations.


Well-Known Member
Do you mind just showing a link. No need to do anything else
The bios have already been posted.

Edit: why is this such a big deal to you guys how he identified in college? It may have helped with tuition or something and who can blame a guy for that? I'm sure he had his reasons.