Texas Secession Underway: Now They Want Their Gold Back


Well-Known Member
I've seen that stupidity. Here in Texas local leaders do not hesitate to put the masses under water restrictions, some VERY severe and hard. It's got to be Cali. dumb ass politics to let this drought go on for so long before putting folks on water restrictions as they watch their lakes and wells dry up. Until recently with the wet El Nino event ALL cities in Texas were under mandatory water rationing.
I'm not talking for a few months. I'm talking for years, at least 8.
didn't your governor think praying for rain would work?


Well-Known Member
So where did that link say it was illegal for them to do this?
since a bill was passed into law (laying claim to the gold) there must've been something preventing, your government is just gonna waive it at the feds which may have a different view..the real question is which way will the supremes rule when texas doesn't get their way?


Well-Known Member
since a bill was passed into law (laying claim to the gold) there must've been something preventing, your government is just gonna waive it at the feds which may have a different view..the real question is which way will the supremes rule when texas doesn't get their way?
Again, where is this illegal? So far I can find nothing.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
since a bill was passed into law (laying claim to the gold) there must've been something preventing, your government is just gonna waive it at the feds which may have a different view..the real question is which way will the supremes rule when texas doesn't get their way?

Does your definition of "questioning authority" permit questioning the Supremacy of a Court stocked with political appointees ? Or does Nanny set the bed time for everyone, without recourse?


Well-Known Member
I'm unclear on the problem. If it's THEIR gold, why would it be a problem for Texas to store and safeguard their own property? It's a precious metal, not a government-issued currency.