Texas Secession Underway: Now They Want Their Gold Back


Well-Known Member
interesting..anyone from the lonestar state care to comment?:

Most states have their gold reserves out of state, housed in the Federal Reserve Bank of New York. The Federal Reserve Bank holds gold for the United States government, foreign governments, and many others. Texas isn’t happy about the idea of having any of their gold outside of the state anymore and they want it back.

Fueling continued secession talk within the state, the governor signed HB 483, which creates the first-ever state-level gold bullion and precious metal depository.

According to Abbot’s statement, the purpose of the law is “increasing the security and stability of our gold reserves and keeping taxpayer funds from leaving Texas to pay for fees to store gold in facilities outside our state.”


Giovanni Capriglione, a state representative and the bill’s author, expressed that the bill is about more than moving the gold back to Texas to the Star-Telegram.

“We are not talking Fort Knox,” said Capriglione. “But when I first announced this, I got so many emails and phone calls from people literally all over the world who said they want to store their gold … in a Texas depository. People have this image of Texas as big and powerful … so for a lot of people, this is exactly where they would want to go with their gold.”

Not too long ago we were hearing about the terrifying reality of the Jade Helm 15 overthrow of Texas. This recent move to take the state’s gold back will undoubtedly only serve to further those fears.


Well-Known Member
I think it's hilarious that building a repository for the states own gold so we don't pay other states fees, is somehow seceding from the U.S.

We aren't seceding. We can't secede. We won't secede. The best we can do is split into multiple states and we aren't doing that either. There will always be talk of it here. We were our own country after all.

That article doesn't make sense at all either.

They say the purpose is to store our own gold and not pay the fees associated with storing it in New York. The creator of the bill says, well it's more than that, others want to store their gold in Texas too, and that's secession?


Well-Known Member
Jade Helm was a real yawner. Doesn't take much at all to get a conspiracy theorist website going... so many viewers available that have a real lack of understanding of science, so everything seems like either conspiracy or magic. Easy to get a web following. Next thing you know their horseshit drivel gets quoted... because it's been "printed" online. "I seen it! I read it!" (Use of poor English on purpose)


Well-Known Member
I think it's hilarious that building a repository for the states own gold so we don't pay other states fees, is somehow seceding from the U.S.

We aren't seceding. We can't secede. We won't secede. The best we can do is split into multiple states and we aren't doing that either. There will always be talk of it here. We were our own country after all.

That article doesn't make sense at all either.

They say the purpose is to store our own gold and not pay the fees associated with storing it in New York. The creator of the bill says, well it's more than that, others want to store their gold in Texas too, and that's secession?
do you think it's true though..is the state looking to build it's own repository?

have you checked it?


Well-Known Member
I think it's hilarious that building a repository for the states own gold so we don't pay other states fees, is somehow seceding from the U.S.

We aren't seceding. We can't secede. We won't secede. The best we can do is split into multiple states and we aren't doing that either. There will always be talk of it here. We were our own country after all.

That article doesn't make sense at all either.

They say the purpose is to store our own gold and not pay the fees associated with storing it in New York. The creator of the bill says, well it's more than that, others want to store their gold in Texas too, and that's secession?
then what do they mean by this?:

Fueling continued secession talk within the state, the governor signed HB 483, which creates the first-ever state-level gold bullion and precious metal depository.


Well-Known Member
do you think it's true though..is the state looking to build it's own repository?

have you checked it?
I don't know if they are. It's possible. I don't really find it necessary to worry about them building a safe(I know it's more than that, but for all intents and purposes, it is one) to store our gold. Seems like a thing one would do, you know?

I just don't get the secession vibe from building our own safe.

This is my conversation about it:

Ooooooooh, a big safe. Woo. Whoopty do. Is it going to save money in the long run? Probably? Ok then, why not.


Well-Known Member
then what do they mean by this?:

Fueling continued secession talk within the state, the governor signed HB 483, which creates the first-ever state-level gold bullion and precious metal depository.
I have no clue. They seem to use something where no one is discussing that to mean they are discussing it...


Well-Known Member
hmmmmmm..not sure i understood that exactly.

so why do you think your governor would sign HB 483 in order to create depository? were you even aware?
They use quotes, in the article, from two government sources, the governor, and the representative that created the bill. The article claims with its title, that this is about secession. The quotes were:

Greg Abbot, Gov.- "increasing the security and stability of our gold reserves and keeping taxpayer funds from leaving Texas to pay for fees to store gold in facilities outside our state.”

Then this bit about, and with, Giovanni Capriglione, state representative-
Giovanni Capriglione, a state representative and the bill’s author, expressed that the bill is about more than moving the gold back to Texas to the Star-Telegram.

“We are not talking Fort Knox,” said Capriglione. “But when I first announced this, I got so many emails and phone calls from people literally all over the world who said they want to store their gold … in a Texas depository. People have this image of Texas as big and powerful … so for a lot of people, this is exactly where they would want to go with their gold.”

Nothing there at all about secession. Nothing.

Edit: to answer your questions, to store our gold here and not pay the fees associated with storing it elsewhere. No I wasn't aware of it. Wasn't aware they were doing the CBD passage until it was on the news, because it wasn't reported on, I'm not a state representative, and it's not my thing to scour state websites looking for every bill under consideration.

There are quite a few bills that are going through everywhere we don't know about yet. That includes Florida, Jersey, and the USA.


Well-Known Member
They use quotes, in the article, from two government sources, the governor, and the representative that created the bill. The article claims with its title, that this is about secession. The quotes were:

Greg Abbot, Gov.- "increasing the security and stability of our gold reserves and keeping taxpayer funds from leaving Texas to pay for fees to store gold in facilities outside our state.”

Then this bit about, and with, Giovanni Capriglione, state representative-
Giovanni Capriglione, a state representative and the bill’s author, expressed that the bill is about more than moving the gold back to Texas to the Star-Telegram.

“We are not talking Fort Knox,” said Capriglione. “But when I first announced this, I got so many emails and phone calls from people literally all over the world who said they want to store their gold … in a Texas depository. People have this image of Texas as big and powerful … so for a lot of people, this is exactly where they would want to go with their gold.”

Nothing there at all about secession. Nothing.
so why do they want their gold? how many other states house their own?


Well-Known Member
hmmmmmm..not sure i understood that exactly.

so why do you think your governor would sign HB 483 in order to create depository? were you even aware?
Just picked a post..

If all you do is watch tx local news or read the paper. You would have not heard anything about this. Prolly because it means so little to us. No we arent splitting off, though talk of succession will always be present. In general we have different ideas and foundations, and most believe tx would be able to support itself for the most part

But no, theres no talk of anything about that.. jade helm on the other hand lol ya.. some interesting activity going on down here for sure, i dont have a clue what jade helm is supposed to be but definitely odd behavior at the bases.


Well-Known Member
Just picked a post..

If all you do is watch tx local news or read the paper. You would have not heard anything about this. Prolly because it means so little to us. No we arent splitting off, though talk of succession will always be present. In general we have different ideas and foundations, and most believe tx would be able to support itself for the most part

But no, theres no talk of anything about that.. jade helm on the other hand lol ya.. some interesting activity going on down here for sure, i dont have a clue what jade helm is supposed to be but definitely odd behavior at the bases.
just the messenger, men.

a bill was signed..just asking..sheesh!

EDIT: you guys have a history of harboring ill will and don't seem to be team players, is all.


Well-Known Member
Secession underway, liberal rag says Texas wants its gold back?

Looks like we got another slow day at the very busy and productive RIU office. :)
a bill was signed into l-a-w.

i can't help if you guys don't even know what's going on in your state..hell, i always have the skinny on florida news.