Texas Outlaw gen.Grow.Purple Og,Lemon Og.


Well-Known Member
g morning ,,,2 doctors up,2 kk up 1 mf x dpd up and one other i forgot,hope the outlaw stuff fini coming up.everything looks good and healthy.i like that gdp strain.magic merlin is gdp x dpd.


Well-Known Member
g morning ,,,2 doctors up,2 kk up 1 mf x dpd up and one other i forgot,hope the outlaw stuff fini coming up.everything looks good and healthy.i like that gdp strain.magic merlin is gdp x dpd.
Helluva lineup raider, I am super interested in seeing that magic merlin....sounds bomb ATB!


Well-Known Member
Looks liked you have your hands full bro. That kickstart looks like some good shit, little extra P for root development


Well-Known Member
yea it helps the germ rate as well.. tryin to fill it up is right on,lol.
heres the water source.i use 4 gallon buckets for the water containers.i mix 4 gallons ata time.


Well-Known Member
its good if it sets a day or 2 i hear.have a sfv x dpd tryin to come up,i hope it does ,thier old but mite have enuff life in that 1 ,use some root stimulator seedling nute water mix over the top a couple drops maybe that mite do it.


Well-Known Member
i got a couple seeds im going to try to pop for my next one for headsmoke i was wondering best way to go about this? should i set them in a wet papertowel and wait for them to crack then straight into dirt?


Well-Known Member
i stick mine qarter inch deep in seedling soil,seedling nute ro water.cover ina dome 5 days minimal till all come up.


Well-Known Member
so like use a cloning tray with a dome and put some dirt in there? seedling soil? what is it called ? would i be ok using sunshine mix4 and put maybe some roots excel and eighth strength grow maybe?


Well-Known Member
thanks man. the strain is lambsbredbobmarleyXtrainwreckXbubba. :???: i grew it once and it turned out fire but the nugs were bullshit small. but i had no idea what i was doing then so im going to try a couple again and see how it goes.

thanks for the help man, have a good run ill be checkin it out!

ill be choppin in a about ten days check my thread for some porn



Well-Known Member
that shit saweet,..thanx for stoppin by,,,.tryin to figure out wat 2 pacs of fems to or der for next gro.2 pacs gdp and a kens kush on the way ,next week prob.somethin to go with tat .i thot a pac mendo purps fems and og18.

Cajun Grower

Active Member
whts up fella's been busy driven a semi last coupla weeks wrkin for 1 of the farmers up here... started a few of my own seeds 6 gdpxblt and 6 gdpxssh all pop doin good hav em outside for now havnt set my lights back up get dont have the time hopefully soon.... guess raiders watchin football saints sucked this week oh well cany win them all peace brothers stay high !