nitro harley

Well-Known Member
Working out pretty fuckin good. Glad I made that decision versus a restaurant. Still have no need to touch my retirement deposits from Uncle Sam, although I did take the wife and kids out the other day from that bank account. It was in honor of @Rob Roy paying his taxes, which assures me of getting my checks. I have not touched that account in over 5 years thanks to the laundromats. The best part about it is I DO NO FUCKING WORK.
Right on, The american dream is in your grip. cool TRUMP!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
lol...I'm understanding to the way she feels about bikes.
I make no apologize for me loving my wife and her feeling, more than owning a bike.
I bet you would just tell your wife to shut the fuck up, slap her around a bit and go out and buy a bike....because you're a "real man"
I will continue to do what I have been doing
I've never even shouted at my woman. She has at me, but not very often. I have bad hips and my bike riding days are mostly over, because of my own safety concerns about getting my feet off the pegs and onto the ground in time. Don't want to hurt me or anybody else.

I am a real man though, thanks.


Well-Known Member
My daughter gets medicaid. I get 80 bucks a month foodstamps.

Whoopdeedoo basil!

Has nothing to do with the second ammendment and semi auto guns being legislated against.

Here ya go buck. For your archives.

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Mango chutney Chicken curry. Yum
so the government gives you food and healthcare, as i thought.

so how are they trampling your rights then?