Tet's Tomato


Well-Known Member
Its no fair, I have the sun.

Yeah, gotta go to Home sleot in the morning.

Its not the size, its ....


Well-Known Member
Well if bud shots are porn,this must be soft-core.

First pic is what I'm going to use as media for the peppers.



Well-Known Member
Home Depot, I'll repot them when its cooler.

Pretty sorry looking plants,its the best ones they had.
Kinda like the clones you get from the clubs.

Hidden Dragon

Well-Known Member
Attached is a pic of a variety called "Mortgage Lifter" which is supposd to go to 4.5 lbs. 4 inch ruler for scale. Outside with red mulch.



Active Member
Nice tomatoes. Mine are coming in slowly, romas, cherry, big boy, need hotter weather. Been picking corn, cukes, zukes, peppers, and chilies. All that hard work in spring is paying off. Nothing nicer than getting right and going to pick your dinner fresh from the garden. Oh yeah, all organic.:peace: