Coming along nicely. Awesome to see many varieties in a run.

Sending my blessings to all the babies ~
Leaf pattern looking similar to Rainbow Belts, but fatter. Nice! My guess is 1 (taller) male and 2 females.. Getting any funk from the stems/leaves?
Awesome m8!! Thank you for popping them! Looking forward to hearing what flavors ya get.
The PJxRB testers are turning out to be a potent (smelling) cookie cross, 1 more rainbow beltz leaning. I would just be on the look out for lower sacs when flipping.. 1 (or 2) of this specific cross threw a couple pollen sacs when transitioning into flower. Running the clones now to see if any more issues.
Thanks to everyone for growing out the seeds! Exciting to see the Icy Grape crosses come to light! Both females were dank, but haven't seen the male's progeny yet.. Out of the 5 or 6 males, had used the most unique leaf pattern with strong structure and had bit of a minty stem rub.