Terrible Advice!!

Damn did you hear eminem was admitted with carona virus ?
Damn did you hear eminem was admitted with carona virus ?
No, I did quick search and saw this below

Eminem did not contract coronavirus. This silly piece of text is just a joke that repurposed some of Eminem’s lyrics. We’re not entirely sure where this joke originated because the text was copy and pasted across different social media posts.
No, I did quick search and saw this below

Eminem did not contract coronavirus. This silly piece of text is just a joke that repurposed some of Eminem’s lyrics. We’re not entirely sure where this joke originated because the text was copy and pasted across different social media posts.
I'm still asking myself "who is eminem and why should I care?"..... I'm a lost generation.
Poor newbs. That’s the ongoing yield joke for years too.

Maybe some of the comments are meant to be sarcastic and are so outrageous that nobody should believe them...like Randys "about a pound" comments...and my last harvest was actually "about a pound" so if you had said that to me...you would finally be correct.
Dear Newbs, please do your own research aside from asking for advice. Just because someone is a well known member doesn’t always mean they’re knowledgeable about growing. I’ve seen people suggest drowning seedlings, claim you need a powerful light for a 4 day old seedling, and a host of other things that made no sense. Maybe we’re being infiltrated by anti weed activists, because it’s some sabotage going on.
Be careful.. you can become a well know member in a day if you leave enough comments, everyone isn’t truly here to help you. Facts
I agree there is certainly some bad advice...and I too suggest people do their research when trying to grow/ solve issues..:but as they say..you get what you pay for..Free! :)
Perhaps roll it up should have a system that rates posts...people can rate...those ratings are then averaged together to create a credibility rating..yet give the person who gives the rating "anonymity"..and keeps conflict in check... a touch.
Some of the accounts are shills pushing products so take that into account. I've also noticed some newer members trying to start youtube channels so they keep posting some worthless videos hoping people will click on them and hopefully subscribe. If you want to talk about bad advice take a look at youtube. Most of the growing videos are garbage and the others are infomercials trying to sell a product. This site has ten times more accurate growing information than youtube at least. But like all other things use at your own risk.
I agree there is certainly some bad advice...and I too suggest people do their research when trying to grow/ solve issues..:but as they say..you get what you pay for..Free! :)
Perhaps roll it up should have a system that rates posts...people can rate...those ratings are then averaged together to create a credibility rating..yet give the person who gives the rating "anonymity"..and keeps conflict in check... a touch.
We need a downvote button lol
You know how many times I've heard "there's gotta be a youtube vid on that"........not just growing weed but everything!