Tent Cooling Help!


Im trying to iron out some kinks in my new setup right now and I need some help.

Setup includes:
two 4x4 tents which have three 4 inch exhaust holes already
two 1000k watt hps sealed hoods and bulbs
Flipbox flipflop

I made a diagram of my ideas

My question is this, I bought the tents and come to find out they have 4" exhaust ducts instead of 6". Whats the best way to add 6" holes? Really would like to keep 6" ducting vs going down to 4"

I bought these 6" couplers from htg supply...havent recieved them yet but Im thinking attach them to the tent with bolts on each side and just cut out the center with a razor blade. The damn htg supply site is down so i'll provide the link to that later.

Just wanting someone to look over my ducting ideas and see whats what. Also for the intake...should i be sucking air out of the tent since fresh air will come in through the screened flaps of the tent? Or should I push air in? I'm thinking out because i've always heard to keep a negative pressure.

Any input is greatly appreciated :hump:



Well-Known Member
If your tent is 6.5' tall then it's probable you and I have the same tent. I use a 6" fan to pull air from inside the tent, through my lights, and distribute it out of the top of my tent. I don't have a need for an intake but if you do get an intake fan, make sure the CFMs are rated lower than your exhaust fan.

You can go the route of cutting up your tent or use a reducer to go from 6" to 4" on both sides of the existing holes you have.

Good luck.