tent cold when exhaust fan with filter on


Can anyone help.
It is winter here up north and my tent is in my finished basement.

5X5 tent with 2 1000 watt led lights so no heat from them.
Have a humidifier and 1500watt heater which is plenty for keeping temperature at 75F in tent with 70% humidity. Have Inkbird temp and hum controllers.
If I turn on my MaxFan and phresh filter on the temp and humidity goes way down in no time. My fan is 6" 420CFM and even at low the air is completely taken out of the tent and it becomes cool and humitidy drops down to 40-44%.
Any thoughts besides moving my house furnace inside my tent.
Don't put it on. Think its that simple. If you have concerns about exchanging air, then just have it come on at a set temp for a few minutes or on a timer.
Running a 1500 watt heater is pointless,your paying more for heat then light.When its cold we run HPS no need for an extra heater then.When lights are off house furnace shoul keep it warm enough.68~70f.Vent fan will keep rh in check when lights off.No need for a de humidifier again use too much power.Turn the vent fan on higher to remove rh.Save the leds for summer.
I needed a variac for speed control.... to allow 0 rpm to max rpm.

Buy a cheap 4 inch fan booster that's around 100cfm(probably more like 50cfm) off Amazon for cheap and run it 24/7 to exhaust tent. Then run the 6 inch and carbon filter outside of tent in basement to get rid of smell. If you don't run any exhaust humidity will go way up and will see water form on leaves and tent walls where leafs touch it.
You cant heat tents by sticking heaters in or using a particular light type - tents are controlled by the room/environment :-)