Tendril growth out of top bud


Well-Known Member
Kosher White plant is 11 weeks from sprouted seed, about 20 days into flowering, and growing in an elevated location where it gets 8-10 hours of direct sun a day. It has been pruned for lateral growth and intentionally kept on the smaller side. July was bright and hot, and I definitely could’ve been more on the ball with watering, but I thought the lil’ lady bounced back well, without too many dried out pistil hairs.

However, I got paranoid that some of the burnt looking hairs might actually be brown due to pollination. I haven’t found any sacs yet, and a check of a random swollen calyx showed it didn’t have a seed inside. However, even though I haven’t found any definitive nanners, I found this odd tendril growth coming out of the top bud this morning...

Is this a weird looking nanner? Anyone think this may be a pregnant herm? Or worse...some kinda worm (though I didn’t see it move) or fungus? I’ve also included a calyx with brown hair pic.

My gut is telling me to remove it, but my mind is advising caution on my clumsy hands messing with a bud. Advice and guidance is very much appreciated! Thank you in advance!10FE9325-73AB-4590-BF62-B5AC3B9D872E.jpeg0A4302C2-D914-45D6-8ECF-E38F7B14AB81.jpeg AA6A9C45-695D-422D-8ACD-8F5B705EF335.jpeg


Well-Known Member
Keep us posted. If it's a nanner I'll get someone here to kick me.
You were indeed correct...it ain’t a nanner. I found several more, and even worse...they do move. Multiple buds have these caterpillar/worms/whatever crawling on them, and into the buds as well. Looks like this plant is lost...doh...

Thanks again for your help!

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Well-Known Member
I think you’re right on with that identification. They have that inching-along movement. Totally my fault for not getting on the spinosad early/often enough...

Thanks for the info, PigKiller! I’m bummed to lose such a frosty plant, but, it was a free seed I found, so not much lost. And I gained knowing that we’ve got inchworm problems in our outside environment, so I can modify my pest management routine to account for these lil bastards. And I’ll make damn sure they don’t get into my tent environment!!