Tems's attempt at the high life


Well-Known Member
Hi RIU. First of all anyone's welcome to post on my journal. So please feel free.

This is my second attempt at a grow. The first time I went with hydroponics. It felt like white water rafting w/o knowing how to swim. I really was learning all the basics as I was going along. Each rock I hit threw me into a spin and I frantically tried to stay on the raft. Needless to say two plants yielded me a 1/4lb. A qp of fluffy nuggets that I'm still smoking to this day.

Here we go Round2. Armed with a dome capped with knowledge and enough patience. I'm going about the soilless mix way.
Alright so my two babies this time around is gonna be feminized White Rhino and normal Big Bud.

The feminized white rhino is what I'm more focused on. But to pass the time I threw a few big buds into flower.

Here take this spliff :joint: and let me take you through a short tour of my grow op.

Here's the entrance to my flower room. It looks big but inside is only a humble 2'x4' grow space

As you can see the room is complete lightproof all sides are sealed and a layer of poly helps keep things dark.

For ventilation we have a 4"inline fan sucking air out. And we have a 4"can fan sucking fresh air in. The inline fan is on 24hrs and the canfan only turns on when the light is on.

The light we will be using is a 400w MH light and possibly another 150w HPS if we need to fill in some gaps later.

Well here are the remaining Bigbud seeds that I started and flowered after only 1.5 weeks of veg. This is Day 3 of flowering for these plants. Look theres a runt in the pack.

two of these are showing male characteristics, while one looks like to be a stinky lady.

Here is my veg room. Its nothing more than a simple wardrobe closet I retrofitted to be a place for my mommies. Its almost complete light proof but the lights stay on 24/7 in here. Inside is lined with poly for maximum use of lights. The only thing missing is a reflector but these cfl's grew my previous Afghani's like a champ... but then again afghanis can grow like a champ w/o much help.

The temp is a lil high, but from my previous experience heavy indica plants dont really mind it that much.

The two White Rhino's on the bottom ends were started 1 week earlier than the rest.

So far it looks like this one will be my super mother. But its still early in the game and my opinion might change. She's only 8days old.




Well-Known Member
The tallest plant is 11" then following that is 9" and the shortest is 6". I have feeling I have two boys lingering around. No signs of sex. Burning from first plant seems to have subsided. I used organic tomato nutes I bought from the nursery. Only mixed 1/3 of the recommended amount. Thankgod or else they'd be in a world of hurt.

Here's my favorite shot. That's one cool cat.




Well-Known Member
My White Rhino queens. The group of three was planted a week earlier than the group of 2. One runt from the each group was thrown into the flowering room.

One of the big bud plants proved me right. The tallest one grew balls. So my cat took care of it.




Well-Known Member
One bigbud plant turned out to be a hermie. Had balls and pistils. Exterminated.

I'm now left with one female bigbud and two white rhinos.


Well-Known Member
Made a bubble cloner for my lollipoping experiment. Its been 2days now and the clones look healthy. No wilting no shriveling. Pictures tomorrow.