

Active Member
right now i keep around 80* on my clones in the day 16-18 hours. And then i keep them around 70* at night with a litltel heater that turns on and off to keep heat accurate.


Well-Known Member
Yo how much was your heater!? i'm going to see how cold it gets tonight...i bet around 65 in the closet :(!

today i came home from school to find my temp at 88 O_O!!!!
i re aranged my fans and picked up all of my covers to let the closet breathe. it stablized around 81/82 and made my whole room like around 80 as well XD! i am thinking about cutting a hole in the man made wall and putting a fan up there (near the top of closet) to get hot air and blow it into the neighbor closet....i dunno temp is giving me hell >:(


Well-Known Member
my grow location drops to 63 some nights. not sure if it's making my grow slower or not. plants don't seem to mind.


Active Member
i got this little dope ass plug in heater that blows fresh air and heat. Has a thermostat also and was only $20 at sears.


Well-Known Member

i have a 4 inch bitch ass fan and like a 10 inch fan and they don't seem to do shit! even if i leave my closet doors open!


Well-Known Member
OK SO IT IS A HEATER....AND A FAN....WITH THEROMO CONTROL!? i have a 4 inch bitch ass fan and like a 10 inch fan and they don't seem to do shit! even if i leave my closet doors open! [/quote]

Positioning is critical, If the fans arn't set-up properly they will just blow the hot air around inside your closet. You want a fresh air intake near the bottom and an exhaust fan near the top to remove the hot air.


Active Member
OK SO IT IS A HEATER....AND A FAN....WITH THEROMO CONTROL!? i have a 4 inch bitch ass fan and like a 10 inch fan and they don't seem to do shit! even if i leave my closet doors open! [/quote]

Positioning is critical, If the fans arn't set-up properly they will just blow the hot air around inside your closet. You want a fresh air intake near the bottom and an exhaust fan near the top to remove the hot air.
if you do not pull out the hot air all your doing is moving it around in a confined space. cut in your hole and vent it out.


Active Member
Hey man i dont mean to highjack your thread but im having somewhat the same problem.

I am growing 4 plants in a 2x4x5 tent with a 250w MH. (the tent is in a walk in closest with intake air coming from outside the closest)

My temps are currently 83 F. and humidity is usually around 37-40%

I am worried this is to much heat for this little space.

I am running a 4" inline fan for the intake at the bottom and 4" inline as an exhaust up top. (I previously didnt have the intake fan but i threw it in cause i was so worried about temps) i also have (2) 120mm computer fans hanging in the tent to circulate air.

am i going to be okay with temps at 83? :-?


Active Member
hey u guys with closets if u have a reg door for the closet what i did was open the closet door like 12" made a wall and a top to seal the opening then cut 2 holes in the wall 1 at top of door 1 at bottom got 3 fans from walmart 1 6" clip fan (8$) to vent hot air clip it so fan rests by top hole 1 12"oscolating fan (15 $) put on floor just inside closet 1 11"floor fan(15$)set outside closet at the bottom hole of the false wall with this set up i can control heat from 74-80 with lights on and 71-76 with lights off avg temp with lights on is 77 but turning fans up or down u can change the temp from 74-80 for dark period u can fold backthe fake wall take the top off and close the closet or light proof the room and keep peeps out(better air flow)what im doing now ill take some pics when the ladys get up today and show ya what i mean its helped me out alot