Temps dropping below freezing!! Please advise!

Hey everyone,

So i have a couple plants going in NH. They still have a week or two left to flower.

The forecast for tonight originally said mid 30's which made me worry but i figured they would be ok since they survived a few frosts already.

Now, just checked the updated forecast and it says high 20's!!!!! Holy Crap what should I do? I know thats waaay too cold for my girls.

Any advice? Should I just go out at 4AM and cut em down? Theres no way to cover cos they are over 6ft tall.. Please need advice ASAP.



Active Member
You can cover with something light like drycleaning bags.Check them first thing in the morning.If they look droopy,cut them down...they've been bitten.If not let them go till the next morning.It will not hurt the potency if they get frosted.You just have to make sure you start the hanging and drying right away.That's my advise...gl

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
Electric heater? long cord. camping stove or light. (the propane type) Can you baby sit them with small camp fire? Any kind of thermal activity & air movement could mean the difference of saving your girls & a harvest of "Crap"
Good luck & good grow..........BB
hehe yea i would love to do that, pretty innovative. kind of a guerilla grow though dont wanna get noticed. and i cant really cover them cos they are like 7 feet tall haha. i think it might be harvest time, theyr already kinda on the weak side cos i stopped feedin them nutes.