Temps (Cardboard Box)

How cold can you go..I have a cardboard box set up with drying racks. Fan blowing inside..Is 40 degrees to cold at night?.First time here..
You will not get much growth at those temps no. I recently found a very small 360w cubicle heater that might work for you. Hook it up to an inkbird temp controller (might run you only like 40 bucks).
I would still want higher temps for drying or it will take forever and might get you mold. And in that case I would skip the heater and get a dehumidifier which produces heat anyway and a small fan blowing not directly on the buds.
Darn....I have it out this eve.. in the box..just trimmed...will try and get something tomorrow..hopefully it can hold on....
I wish I could get my room to 40! lol but you want it to be a bit higher than that my man. You will be curing for a v long time at that temp
I just know it's getting down to 42 this eve and just have the cardboard box deal with a fan.
Cut sooner then I thought I would...it's outside. Hopefully the fan going with keep enough air circulation until I can fix the problem.
I think it will be okay man! keep that air circulating and prolong the cure. Any pics of what ur working with? I'd like to see the stage the leaves/buds are at!
First time here just a cardboard box with big fat buds trimmed up..laying on drying rakes with a computer fan blowing in the box. Box sealed up but not air tight .
I hang full plant. Trim bigger crispies off at day 7/8 and let her ride it out until day 10+.. Then I remove my nuggies and jar them or smoke the whole plant like a champ. How many days did you let it dry before trimming it up?
also it is confusing when I say I hang the full plant. I do a nice trim of the larger leaves and leave about 2/3 fans around each nuggy that produces a little shield of sugar and helps me retain my dank
I see! I think it looks like you have a good thing going - just now need to learn from experience of this cure. If it will retain the smell is always most important to me. Also prevention of mold - wet trimming may leave open wounds to perpetuate PM