Temps and humidity


Hi I've got 14 plants under a 600 cooltube for veg temps are 19.5 Celsius and 72% humidity planning on putting Another 600 in for flower are these temps ok ?


I'm exhausting to another room and have fresh Intake from window but temps outside is like 8c as I live in England it's cold ! Also this is my first grow


19.5 Celsius is just about 67* Fahrenheit... which is quite cool for a grow room.

If you throw another 600 W bulb in there you should be fine, even if that brings the room temp up to 77* F (25* Celsius) with the same ventilation. No need to waste good heat in the Winter, anyways.


Active Member
Temps are a bit low and humidity too high for flowering. When you put your 600w in check both again but would think the added 600w will sort it out.


Cheers lads! The other 600w I have isn't a cooltube so I imagine temps will go up quite a bit when that go,s in plants r looking good anyway they are about 19 inches and will not be flowered for 2 more weeks


If the temps go up to high you can find a cheap cool tube hood on ebay or amazon for under $50. I've seen used ones for as low as $20 so it might be worth springing for it.


Active Member
temps sound good but i would get that humidity down. i run my rooms at 45-50% relative humidity and never see mold or mildew.