temps a lil high


Active Member
So im in week 2 of veg have 6 plants going right now
running 400w mh for veg then 400 hps for flower
have 2 20inch box fans running for air circi
grow room is inside a bathroom
temps with lights on around 82 to 84 and lights off 75 to 77

any advice to get these temps down a bit? I also leave bathroom door open when lights are on ....thanks any advice wou;d be nice.....first grow!!
get some ducting from your local D.I.Y and set up a system that blows hot air out of the room and suks cold air in.You may not need to get new fans just attach em to the ducting with a f**kload tape :D or get a cooltube :D


Active Member
Thanks is there anything else i can do i already invested quite a bit.... And are these temps a lil high? Temps seem fine too me im just worrying about when i switch to the hps its gonna go higher in temps

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
They seem fine to me tbh. I also think i read that cannabis appreciates a temperature drop of about 10-15 degrees come lights out.


Well-Known Member
I have always found HPS to run hotter.....need to invest in air exchange...ie. intake and exhaust.....exhaust out high...intake in low


Active Member
Ya started to run both fans when lights are out and temps dropped too 75 but the temps outside are dropping and its getting pretty cold inside thinkin temps should go lower with the temp drop from the outside weather and temps with lights on now 80 to 82 being the highest now.....i was gonna order an exhaust and carbon filter and have the ducting throw the hot air out the restroom door and into the open space but was on a budget this first grow


Active Member
Your temps are fine, I would almost go as far to say that if you have no humidity issues, they are perfect. Only worry if your hps brings it up, and only then if it gets into the very high 80s. 82 degrees on a sunny summer day is perfect, I'm sure your plants are loving it, just as you would.