Temperatures for Growing Marijuana Outdoors


I've heard that low temperatures at night below 60 degrees begin to lessen the quality and slow down the growth of marijuana. I've also heard that temperatures in the mid fifties will cause mild shock to a plant, and that consistent temperatures in the forties will do great harm to my plants. I live in the Seattle area, and for my first outside grow ever I have five plants that will most likely be havrested during the first week of October. The average low at night in this area during the hottest month of the year which in August is 55 degrees, in September it's 50 and during the first week of October the average low is 47 degrees. With all that, here's the question that I would really like for someone to answer. Although my plants will most likely be fine, will the colder lows at night here decrease the yield, thc content and overall quality of my weed. I await your reply.

I'd like to be able to reply right away to any comments that come this way, but right now I'm going to fix my dinner, so that won't be possible. I'll check back after I've ate to see if there are any replies. Peace out!


Wow! It's been way over two hours since I posted my question and there have been no replys. So much for thinking I would get an answer. What a helpful site rollitup.org is...NOT!

BigB 420

Well-Known Member
Many people only check this site once a day or so. Everyone is busy tending to their plants. Give it 24 hours for some decent answers.

Those temps sound fine to me. I get low 40's at night here all spring and in the fall. Right now I'm in a heat wave and still seeing low 50's at night.

You might get some pretty purple and red colors on your plants in the fall from the cold. I did last year.

In Seattle my guess would be that you need to be careful about mold. I think it gets pretty damp up there. In September and October I'd get up early and shake the moisture off the plants every morning.


Active Member
Your plant will be near the end of its life cycle by then. A couple cold nights shouldn't destroy your plant. I don't mind a frost or 2 before harvest. It seems to make the plant kick out some extra resin. You also get some wild colors going on. I've left plants outside till almost November in Ontario. You'll have to worry more about mold then anything...good luck