

Active Member
Anyone think 83 is too hot with 33% humidity for a grow room that is 4ftx3ftx6ft tall? I have two 6in fans, one inport and one output. The plants are all doing well, just wanted to know your thoughts


Well-Known Member
nah, not that i am an expert but i am 4 weeks into flowering and before i got everything all setup the temps reached 90 for short times, plants still look awesome :D


Active Member
Thanks for the post, I added some more light and new I would increase in temp, but I have never been over 80 so was wondering where I should be. Thanks for the info!!


Well-Known Member
85 is pretty much my threshold for concern. When my tent gets that hot I turn on my trusty window AC unit.


Well-Known Member
83 isn't too bad, just try not to get much higher. If you add some co2 to your room 83 is actually a perfect temp.

Bubba Kushman

Well-Known Member
At 85 plants start to stress so 83 is good. But you need more humidity 45-60 is good. If humidity is low plants dont get as bushy and seem to stretch more.


Active Member
yeah I checked just now and I am at 83.8. I dont have a portable AC but will pick one up. I taped the duct work to a fan though so see if that helps bring it down some. I guess I need to add a humidifier and put it on low. See what happens then.


Active Member
I think the other problem may be some air intake flow because I have that filtered as to only add good air. But hate to unfilter that and get unwanted stuff inside grow cabinet