temperature and humidity

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Probably about 80? I personally have no idea what my temperatures or humidity is and it doesn't hamper my plants a bit :)

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I think that potency and yiled, with regard to temperature and humidity, will work on pretty much the same numbers. I'm not sure on humidity i'm afraid but

The ideal temperature for the light hours is 68 to 78 degrees fahrenheit and for the dark hours there should be about a 15 degree drop in temperature. The growing room should be relatively dry if possible. What you want is a resinous coating on the leaves and to get the plant to do this, you must convince it that it needs the resinous coating on its leaves to protect itself from drying out. In an extremely humid room, the plants develop wide leaves and do not produce as much resin. You must take care not to let the temperature in a dry room become too hot, however, since the plant cannot assimilate water fast enough through its roots and its foliage will begin to brown out.

That's a nicely worded explanation :)


That is with lights on? How about humidity with lights off? Could get up to 60%-80%. Perhaps, try a day/night temp gauge?

Closet Grow

Active Member
Lights on, I haven't checked lights off yet, I could probibly raise the humidity 10% I could also let my water sit in my grow box; that's gotta atleast raise it 5% but I want the temp lowered so more fans, that should lower the humidity too shouldn't it?


No, dont raise it...55% humidity is pretty good through cycle. some say 65 for veg, some say 45 for flower, but 55 is pretty good...

ideal temp / humidity = 76-78 degrees/50-60% humidity. Good luck