Tempature 95 F+


Well-Known Member
Hello again every1. Well I just got my 400watt HPS from HTG Supply, great service by the way. Well hooked her up, and it is way to hot! 95 degrees and up! I don't have money to buy a ventilation system, and even if I did, putting holes in the wall is out of the question. I need help quick, before my babys burn to death. If I keep the door open, its fine, but leaving it open will interfere with the dark period. I have a dual window fan, and a 20'' box fan. I live in a trailer, so u can imagine how hot it gets in the summer. Any and all suggestions are welcome!


New Member
Hello again every1. Well I just got my 400watt HPS from HTG Supply, great service by the way. Well hooked her up, and it is way to hot! 95 degrees and up! I don't have money to buy a ventilation system, and even if I did, putting holes in the wall is out of the question. I need help quick, before my babys burn to death. If I keep the door open, its fine, but leaving it open will interfere with the dark period. I have a dual window fan, and a 20'' box fan. I live in a trailer, so u can imagine how hot it gets in the summer. Any and all suggestions are welcome!

you really need a good extractor fan and set up.



Well-Known Member
If you have the money for a 400 watt hps but you should be able to have the funds for a cheap ac unit. A high intensity discharge bulb is obviously gonna give off a lot of heat so you need to eliminate it out of the room by cooling it or extracting the hot air.


Well-Known Member
Actually, the HPS was more like a present. Only paid 50$ of it. And like I said no money, been out of bud for a week now. sigh... but how can I get around putting holes in the wall? I leave it open all day until about an hour before the dark period. But can't leave it open as it will interupt the dark period. Its a long closet and I'm using 2 sheets of tarp to keep it dark. I'm a cheap S.O.B. I can put fans in corner of tarp, but do you think the light will penatrate through the fans? I'm lost...


Well-Known Member
Growing weed is just like anything else. You get out of it what you put into it. If you do a ghetto grow, you will get ghetto results. Not trying to be harsh, just telling you what happened to me. I tried to grow with little to no investment and that is exactly what I got out of it. Little to nothing. So I put about $1200 into the grow op and now I can get from 8-12 ounces every 3 weeks.


Active Member
im also using a 400w hps. i had to build a diy cool tube and i still have to keep a fan directly on the light and i have to keep my house ac on like 72 with the vent pointed directly on it.


Well-Known Member
without ventilation you are on the path to destruction. the only advice i can give is to keep the lights on at night and off during the day. or wait till winter to grow.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, I'm a disgrace to growers worldwide. I can only do so much though. I'm slowly making progress to having a nice setup, and I think the 400watt HPS was a big step up from T12 fluorescent shop lights. lol I'm looking to get a grow tent next. But back to the matter at hand. I was thinking about running it at night, but since I'm already on 12/12, how do I make the transition? Hour by hour? Cutting light period down by 1 hour each night? Or a 24 hour dark period and go from there? How will 24 hour darkness affect flowering in the middle of 12/12. Well I hope I can take these girls to harvest. Would going 13/11 speed up flowering? Wanna get this grow done, so I can get some proper ventilation. And a slight yield decrease isn't a factor.

Noble Gas

Well-Known Member
Invest in a vented hood... I was in the same situation before and a vented hood with a 500cfm exhast fan brought my temps down from 95 to low 80's.

Proper ventilation is a must with indoor growing especially when running HID's.


Well-Known Member
Hey guy, you are no disgrace if you are at least trying. Slow but sure gets it done. I did my first grow about 18 months ago with crappy dirt, a 3 gallon pot, miracle grow fertilizer and a few CFLS. Bag seed no less. I didnt get much, but it was great smoking something that I grew and didnt give money to some murdering cartel. Then I found this site and started to learn and get more stuff as I could afford it. My temps are high too. I have shit ventilation and this hot ass Texas summer is not helping a thing. My window AC is barely keeping up with it. August is going to be a bitch. One last thing. 24 hours of darkness while you switch your lighting schedule wont hurt a thing. Good luck and keep on growing while you are growing. Shit, I'm rambling now. I have been sampling the goodies.


Active Member
If you can remove the hood and just hand the light bulb it will cut down on heat dramatically. You will be losing light, but at lest your plants wont die.


Well-Known Member
well bro it sounds like you have a few weeks till harvest. i would just build a tent which is what i did. and it has taken me through several grows. 3/4 pvc and black, white panda plastic. all you need. Make a cool tube and vent though your new tent and you are good to go .


Well-Known Member
Thanx Txhomegrown. I am tryin my hardest to keep the dream alive. Goin in every few hours to check temps. Bestgrow, so just remove the hood completly? How will this affect yield? So, how about going to 13/11? Good idea, or just a waste of time? Thanx for all the help guys, its greatly appreciated.


Well-Known Member
Well bud, sounds like you are not a canidate for an HID system. I know you said you don't have any money, so here's what I would do.

Sell the 400w hps unit either here or ebay, to a friend, etc. Use that money to get some

1. Floros
2. CFL's
3. LEDs

Those 3 will give you little problems with heat (leds are probably going to be expensive though).

I'm rocking a 250 HPS with floros in a closet setup, and without exhaust/intake, even that would be way to fugging hot to manage.

Plus dude, you don't want to be running home all the time opening and shutting doors.

Have you thought of doing something like a speaker grow box or the like, so it's something that you own and could cut holes into?

And cutting a hole in a wall, especially something like a closet, is easy to fix, like in a way that literally no one would ever know you cut the hole.

Seriously, get a jig saw and a drill, cut a hole, save the "donut" that you cut out of the wall/ceiling in your closet, and patch it back when you move out.


Well-Known Member
you want 12 hours of nite time so i would suggest putting them on 24 hour dark and turning the on watever you want your lite 2 be when changeing the light period in budding you should always alow 24 hours darkness some people go longer.


Well-Known Member
Well I do have a nice open up cabinet/ dresser at my disposal, but what will I do with my other 2 ladys, as I can only fit 2 in there. I would hate to see 2 perfrectly good female plants go to waste. Well I'll get to work and see what I can do. As for selling my HPS.... sigh I just got it and my babys are loving it. 2inchs in a day as to 2inchs in a week with my fluorescents. IDK....


New Member
Yeah, I'm a disgrace to growers worldwide. I can only do so much though. I'm slowly making progress to having a nice setup, and I think the 400watt HPS was a big step up from T12 fluorescent shop lights. lol I'm looking to get a grow tent next. But back to the matter at hand. I was thinking about running it at night, but since I'm already on 12/12, how do I make the transition? Hour by hour? Cutting light period down by 1 hour each night? Or a 24 hour dark period and go from there? How will 24 hour darkness affect flowering in the middle of 12/12. Well I hope I can take these girls to harvest. Would going 13/11 speed up flowering? Wanna get this grow done, so I can get some proper ventilation. And a slight yield decrease isn't a factor.
24 hours of dark, then back to normal, just lights on at night and off during the day. It wont harm the plants at all. It might even make a differnce to the crystalls production, even if you aint near harvest.