temp issue...


Active Member
starting a spicy white devil and flash babylon automatic. Having temp issues... i currently have 70cfm 120mm fan for intake and same for exhaust. I just ordered a 110 cfm fan for exhaust to replace it. What else could i do if that is not enough? I am trying to keep the pc fans as they are quiet and dont require alot of work. I have a DIY carbon filter that attaches to the exhaust but temps dont change much with it on or of. I know my best bet is to remove as much air as fast as possible but still trying to stay stealth. could i separate the lights with some sort of glass so its like 2 sections and the heat can stay above the plants? i was trying to figure somehow to cool the lights but dont wnt to go through the trouble of making holes in the cab again.

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smoke and coke

Well-Known Member
could i separate the lights with some sort of glass so its like 2 sections and the heat can stay above the plants? i was trying to figure somehow to cool the lights but dont wnt to go through the trouble of making holes in the cab again.

View attachment 2344043

maybe you could invent an air cooled hood and patent it and make millions. i have never looked for an air cooled hood for cfl's lol


Active Member
well been working on trying to fix temp issues all weekend... i think i may have something i got the cab shut right now to see what temps read in a few...

I attached a piece of plexiglass that was on the front of a poster frame to the bottom of the cfl fixture ...and for added measure attached a fan to draw the heat to the top of the cab so the exhaust can pull it out..lets see what happens

also is my spicy white devil that sprouted....i came home yesterday and the peat pellet was completely dried out so i hope she makes it.



Active Member
my exhaust fan was also replaced from a 70 CFM to 110 CFM but i think i may still need a higher CFM on the exhaust :(


Well-Known Member
Jay: figure out your cubic feet area and get a fan that will change it every three to five minutes. If you're just pumping in hot air because your ambient air temperature is too high then you might need to turn on the A?C. If you don't have one, you might consider a temperature/humidity meter. They;re about $30 and they'll save you a lot of heart aches. I hope that helps. Hank


Active Member
the a/c is on but i cannot control the temps where i live there is no access to thermostat but the a/c turns on when it gets to bout 80 degrees so it doesnt go over that trying to keep temps in cab no more than 86 with lights running