

Well-Known Member
Well I'm used to having poor sleep,but I have been taking them for 3yrs do you think I could just stop or start by cutting down.
You can try just stopping. 20mg is a low dose. The best thing to do would be to tell the prescribing dr you don't want to take them anymore and ask their opinion.


Well-Known Member
Or if you don't want to talk to the doc, and you honestly think you have a problem, try using half for a while and then one quarter, weaning yourself off but Duck is right (as he almost invariably is), you probably don't have a problem if 20 mg still has an effect on you and you never upped your dosage in order to compensate. I believe I recall that a threshold dosage for addiction (a reaction occuring if one stops taking a particular medication - a physical reaction) was in the neighborhood of 6 - 8 mg of xanax per day for an extended period. Now temazapan is not xanax and xanax is an order of magnitude "stronger" than temazapam but the ordinarly dose of xanax is somwhere between .25 and 1 mg so you can compare.

This is a marijuana site, when I have problems sleeping and I just can't work out the details I get the most couchlock smoke I can find and take a hit JUST before I go to bed. For me it is a sort of crapshoot, as if it works, it works well and I sleep great, If it doesnt (like now with this stupid fentanyl withdrawal) then I am stuck being high for the next 3 or 4 hours and tired on top of it. Most folks here don't see a problem with that at all - you may not either, but I don't really like a marijuana high except in very specific situations. so for me, if didn't manage to sleep, I will just have to endure endless circles of thoughts or hearing fragments of songs over and over and over and over again, or contemplating the fact that I have not done anything with my life or how I should have been more loving toward my mother or how I simply MUST fix that drawer in the kitchen that sticks.

Like that.


Well-Known Member
the gel capsule tamazepam are long gone from the UK as some1 already said, people where injecting them thats why, its also quite rare to get a script for them here in the UK nowdays, if you are able to get any sleepers from a doc which isnt easy your most likely to get zoplicone.

i brought some of the gel capsule tamazepam they where 20mg a few months ago from the sr came from holland in origanal blister packaging and where very much the real deal, paid silly money for them tho £3-4 a piece.


Well-Known Member
I get scripts for tem., valium, and clonezepam. Tem. Is more for sleeping-it doesnt necessarily put you to sleep but rather keeps you asleep. Not very recreational. Valium in much better. Clonezapam makes you sleepy, alittle more than Valium. Valium relieves anxiety and is a muscle relaxer/pain reliever. The anxiety relieving effects are the most satisfying and somewhat euphoric. You just get a very relaxed feeling throughout your body and is excellent for taking the"edge" off of coke or almost any stimulant. Easily addicting and is tough to withdraw from. You dont want to become physically dependant on it.