Tell Your Lorazepam Experiences


New Member
Pretty sleeping right now but its an enjoyable buzz. How much u guys dose up on? i had 4mg which was 4 ,1mg pills. Im trying to think of how i could get a doc to sub these to me, if i took one at a time i could see it really helping me. anyways thanks


Active Member
i took 6 10mils once and couldnt walk, drove home was going to fast didnt make the corner thank god was at home put her in the ditch and laughed my ass off went to bed. used to eat a lot but now make me feel weird. now i sell em to my friend. ive taken a them with oxy, and drink and weed and it will end your night. well that youy can remember for most. ive never blacked out but evey woman i know has. ive taken 6 10s 100 mil of oxy drank a twelver and smoked all night diesel headband chemdawg, leave it alone if you dont need it.

buddha webb

New Member
Go to benzo forum.That shit nearly killed me but you wont listen,,it will kill you if you dont pack it in while your a kid...a fuckin stupid one.


Active Member
fukin script-heads.. whats wrong with cannabis? many different strains to help with many different ailments... break the cycle dude, you are bigger than prescription meds....


Active Member
Pretty sleeping right now but its an enjoyable buzz. How much u guys dose up on? i had 4mg which was 4 ,1mg pills. Im trying to think of how i could get a doc to sub these to me, if i took one at a time i could see it really helping me. anyways thanks
Lorazepam ruined my life, I took it for many years and it is the most addictive drug i have ever seen and it will fuck your world up. You are not supposed to take these pills for more than 2 weeks but doctors give them out like crazy. Don't be an idiot and get hooked on these, stay away. You have no clue of the world of hurt you are looking at if you try to get a prescription and take them daily. If you think I am full of shit and are one of those "it will never happen to me people" then go for it. Have fun watching your sanity slip away slowly.


Well-Known Member
Xanax is one of my favorite drugs but it's a bitch. It's REALLY addictive. You get some and wake up the next day and it's all gone and you don't even remember taking it. I was addicted to it for around 6 months and I would take up to 20mg over the course of a day after my tolerance went up and I stopped blacking out but it still fucked me up.


Active Member
Xanax is one of my favorite drugs but it's a bitch. It's REALLY addictive. You get some and wake up the next day and it's all gone and you don't even remember taking it. I was addicted to it for around 6 months and I would take up to 20mg over the course of a day after my tolerance went up and I stopped blacking out but it still fucked me up.
20 MG!? ahaha if i even attempted that i would come out of my blackout three states over and broke as a joke.

i had a thing for barbs for a little while. now i stay away from those gaba agonists, too much trouble.


Well-Known Member
Xanax is one of my favorite drugs but it's a bitch. It's REALLY addictive. You get some and wake up the next day and it's all gone and you don't even remember taking it. I was addicted to it for around 6 months and I would take up to 20mg over the course of a day after my tolerance went up and I stopped blacking out but it still fucked me up.
How did come off such a high amount? Cold turkey? I hear the withdrawal from benzos is worse than heroin.
What's funny is that I have a 2mg prescription for lorazepam and can take it or leave it. The Dr. I get my recommendations from told me to stop taking it immediately. When I told her that I have half a bottle left from 6 months ago, and a refill that expired at the pharmacy, she said I was a rare exception. Cigarettes are my only real addiction I guess.


Active Member
I had sleep problems as withdrawal symptoms, pissed off too. Heroin is way in a different league that can kill you or make u want to way way worse. Don't fuck with it kids will only kill you or your being.


Well-Known Member
I had sleep problems as withdrawal symptoms, pissed off too. Heroin is way in a different league that can kill you or make u want to way way worse. Don't fuck with it kids will only kill you or your being.
Haha, I wasn't endorsing heroin I hope it didn't across like that. Just saying I've heard it described that way.

About 10 or so years ago those oxycontin hit my town really hard. Shortly after that, kids were driving to the city to score smack. A lot of kids I knew and went to school with ending up dying over that stuff.


Well-Known Member
yup, but lorazepam gets the job done! and i gotta nice sweet bottle of em
Perhaps you should lay off your mother's medicine cabinet... and make a shelf for yourself.

Besides sleep what other benefits did you derive from this high octane benzodiazepine. What's the feel good quality about it if it put you to sleep? My rhetoric is not suppose to sound ass-holish but I may be borderlining ;)


Well-Known Member
these guys are right benzos and script meds in general will fuck you up!i started off popping co-codamol 30/500 used to strain them probably take about 15,then i moved onto dihydrocodeine then smoked smack then next thing i know im sucking fent patches likes their going out of fashion!i was down a fucking hole i was facing the possibility of jail due to me not doing my community service cause i was always fucked up,i had debts coming out my eyeballs(still am in debt) luckily my gf stayed with me she was my saviour!thankfully im back on track now and ive got myself sorted.i forgot too mention while i was doing all of this i was eating 30 10mg just remember scripts can fuck you up big time!


Well-Known Member
How did come off such a high amount? Cold turkey? I hear the withdrawal from benzos is worse than heroin.
couple theories on this .... Benzos are very addictive when taken in WHATEVER amounts for a long period of time ....
I can relate to the experience of sonar of taking up to 13 mgs of xanax or 180mgs of valium.
I'm now prescribed/addicted to benzos due to panic attacks. i only take .5 mgs 4 times a day and can honestly say i experience more of a buzz with the lower doses than when i was swallowing handfulls at a time.

Back to the withdrawl thing .....I'm sure most younger folks are doing the same thing with swallowing handfulls of benzos, some maybe on a daily basis ...but for the most part i doubt anyone can keep up a 20 pill benzo habit for... Having said that ....
the people popping handfulls are probably experiencing very little withdrawl symptoms due to the fact that they are taking such a high amount, that the drug (as anyone who eats benzos can tell ya) is in your system literally for days after you've ingested it ...and ...most of the times the effects are still present (even though the user may beg to differ)... in these circumstances i would withdrawl with mild insomnia but mostly with intense rage for a few days after the drug was stopped. What i'm trying to say is ... someone who isn't taking benzos for longer than a few months will more than likely not experience REAL benzo withdrawl ...which is HELL...
The problem with benzos is ...the real withdrawl doesn't kick in until about a week after the last dose.. and factually, you never really go back to normal once it's stopped. Not to mention the fact that the withdrawl last forever AND can be fatal if you're one of the luck that are mixing pills or taking obscene amounts like 100 mg of diazepam or 6 mgs of xanax a day....
i'm not sure what info i've provided since i just finished my bowl of Skywalker and i feel i've gone off track soo ....

a story on how fucking stupid lorazepam can make you

took 9 mgs of lorazepam/ativan before going out with a friend.
...he picked me up about an hour later
....we started driving for literally 5 minutes.
I turned to him and said," i 'm pretty fucked up, i can't remember where we went tonight, What do you want to get into tomorrow?"
..he reminded me "you just got in the car 5 minutes ago"

sounds funny but ....pretty pathetic way of being high.