Tell me what I've got...

I have been growing this plant for about the last 3 months. I started indoors under CFL lights, but had a lot of issues with my plants (I had 3) drying up from heat and not wanting to grow at all. Basically they stayed seedlings for like 2 months. Last month I took them all and put them outside on my back patio. I got some real soil (Fox Farms Ocean Forrest), and figured out how to water properly. One was lost, tragically, and one other was a male (and go figure, it sprouted up like 8 inches tall in like 2 weeks...). The third got better, and almost a week after going outside it started showing sex.

I am confused because I thought the way outside growing worked, I would have to wait until the days got a bit longer for the plant to begin flowering. I now have this tiny 3 inch tall plant looking very healthy, but its now growing buds!

I have a lot of questions about what I can do with this thing.

Is it likely to get much bigger before the buds are fully ripened? How much could one plant this small possibly produce? If I just let it grow, will it eventually go back into veg and get taller? If it does go back into veg, what happens to the buds?

I grew this from bag seed, so i have no idea what strain it might be. I was thinking it was an Indica dominant hybrid. Does that sound correct? Can I clone a plant in flower, and if so, one this small?


Well-Known Member
Outside plants show when the days get shorter 12/12 and u could clone.a flowering plant but i dont see any good clones to take there


Well-Known Member
That is awesome man. Maybe not for your situation as you`d like to have more buds ... but having a little budsickle that small is pretty rad, the structure on that thing is SO tight. You won`t be able to clone that, but you have to be able to harden off a plant (weign it`s indoor light down) to continue its Veg life. PM me if you want some more details or check my journals for starting with CFLs and soil amedments. Signature below my post,

KC :weed:


Well-Known Member
U do have to harden plants off but u don't have to go back into veg u can just give it 6 hrs light outside 6 in the house and do ur first night outside and switch off i also agree with the fact ull have sum dense weed but no clones


Well-Known Member
itll probably go back to veg once the days start getting longer during the summer time. if it doesnt you can always force it to reveg.


stick it back inside under a T5 fluorescent bulb with the proper Kelvins for vegging. keep the light on 24 hrs a day and watch it revert back to veg. this may take a long time now as that is probably one confused plant. I use only T5's for vegging under 24 hrs of light until flower time. that way they never get confused on what they need to do, grow stems and leaves. I have seen plants grown indoors under 24 hr light then moved outdoors, (not mine) that started flowering right away. and if its early summer the buds left to grow will be loose and spindly by the time it done. So i suggest starting over if possible and decide whether you want to grow inside or outside first. That plant probably didn't get enough lumens from the cfl to grow properly.
6ftbunch: When I had it under CFL's, it was still a tiny seedling, but I still had two 24w 5600k bulbs on it on a 20/4 light schedule. The problem I had I think was a mix of temperatures getting to high and bad soil. I can't afford more bulbs, but I have at least 6 24w 5600k bulbs I can put on this plant if I bring it back inside. Might that be enough to get it vegging?

How long am I looking at till harvest if I decide to re-veg? How long till I should just harvest what ive got, if I decide to do that?

I have 8-9 seeds I was planning on popping here soon. I wanted to try to do a simple low maintenance outdoor grow with those, if possible.


I go 8 weeks after starting 12/12. sometimes they may be done a week earlier or a week later but that is under a 1000 watt hps. if you try and revert it back to vegging it may take up to 1 or 3 weeks to start growing again then they need time to grow a bit and about 8 weeks after switching back to 12/12. If you go back to veg give them a dose of high nitrogen nutes as soon as you go back and leave the lights on 24hrs. check out how many lumens those bulbs put out and compare that with at least a 400 watt metal halide puts out and you might get by. this is a link to show you what i use, I use 4 of these and cover about a 4'x10' area nicely lights are probably the worst limiting factor for indoor growing I started out using two 400 watt metal halides, that worked pretty good but the intensity of the light was concentrated too much into one spot directly under the bulbs. then I switched to the lights in the link and never looked back or regretted the change. The T5 spreads out the light evenly over a larger area, cost less to run, last longer, run cooler, and lose little to no intensity over time. I have even seen single grow lights sold at Meijers or Walmart under $15. notice the kelvins on the ones in the link are 6500K. that is the correct spectrum for veg. good luck Bud. I hope no one ever said to you it was going to be easy.


Well-Known Member
IMO i wouldn't reveg I'll smoke my 3 bowls r nice joint (lol@bud so true) and plan my next grow its like pregnancy planed is the best