Tell Me The Most Funniest Sex Incident You Ever Had And I'll Tell You Mine?

I cant even remember when I first tried it but I remember being 14 and stealing a 5 gram rock from my cousin and getting the worst nose bleed ever from that bullshit he had.Thats the first time I ever had some for myself.
ah i was fifteen the first time i smoked... holy fuck i was destroyed.... never did any hard drugs, but man i got drunk for the first time hella young, i was 12.
I cant believe the money people spend on it.
Last january when I had some people were taking me with them to cash in there income checks.
this O wasn`t really enough. I still feel pretty damn good though and it was free and an adventure :D
oh well
at least you feel good... going to go lay in bed and finish smoking, peace out people
I've never even seen opium in my life.Im surrounded by heron though.I cant try that shit cause I love percs to much and I know I'll stick with the diesel if I do it.
I've never even seen opium in my life.Im surrounded by heron though.I cant try that shit cause I love percs to much and I know I'll stick with the diesel if I do it.

Nah its not around here either but I happned to spot this guys poppies and noticed how big the bulbs were :D I`m not sure if I wanna try heroin but there won`t be a reason to be honest. Just plain comfort and sitting around, thats all. Not the sort of thing I wanna do.
Wow man!! Well I drank wine when I was about 7 :D My dad was making me sing the national anthem and giving it me lolz Fucking patriotic that is :D
lmfao fucking funny shit LOL i could't drink wine when i was younger lol it was horrible LOL only good old vodka LOL
i remember at the end of 8th grade we tried to smoke a bunch of leaves that we dried over a heater. rofl
well this one time i had my sister bent over her bunk bead , and my dad walked in , we thought we was in for a telling off but he just sat in the corner with a blanket over his bottom half ........ive never quite worked out what was going on yet ?
I once fucked a one legged midget. Story behind it isn't that great (jager) but I figured the act itself was worth sharing.
i got two or three good ones, one about a girl i tricks into taken the day after pill because she wanted to trap my ass for hit the punanie so good i tricked her with the day after pill n told her it was muscle relaxer n she snorted it, its funny n well she ended up pregnant the jokes was on me... two the tyme i was at the mary picfort n i walked into this tower that has bells n i got cought geting head red handed all i could say to the two girls about twenty four was hie ladies how r u doing... hahahah while i ziped up hahahaha n my girl at the tym was yelling COM ON LETS GO Y ARE U TRYING TO HOLD A CONVERSATION ya they were over weight n white no that isnt bad but thier faces just got realy red...... well shit what was i supose to say........ hahahahaha another tym i was supose to have a threee sum i nevor ever have i could have a few tyms i guess it wasnt in my destany to do so cuz it nevor went down but let me write all this in detail.... another tym i flew to new mexico n i ended up get cought fucking buy the mom red handed n she knocked on the door n told me to come get my close of the kitchen table shit in the heat of the moment i has just throwning my close everywere their seem to be a trail of close leading to the bedroom starting from the living room n for some reason i took my boxers of n threw them i didnt think they landed on the kitchen table so i had to fucken go out man in a towl n get the shit.... n then she cought us on her bed straight tearing it up she must have tymed it on purpuse she was young u know how that goes but please let me intertain u with detail its some funny ass shit.... i got called into work today so i have to leave.... but ill hit u guys up tonight k... have a great day...
Wow man!! Well I drank wine when I was about 7 :D My dad was making me sing the national anthem and giving it me lolz Fucking patriotic that is :D

I've seen somebody give there 3 year old daughters a sip of 100 proof captain morgan.The younger one of the two took it down like it was nothing but the oldest face was so funny when a drop hit her tounge lol.
ex thought she would attempt to swallow...well lets just say it came out faster than she could get it down! All over my belly!
Lmao...I didn't know what to do i just laughed! haha then took a shower...