Tell Me The Most Funniest Sex Incident You Ever Had And I'll Tell You Mine?

haha im sure the crack was able to absorb into her teeth, so you know they got high smoking her teeth ;)
Well know more stories from me old ass has got to go to bed...good night all...
This whole thing doesn`t make sense to me though. Dots uses coke and hangs out with crackheads but the girl gets her teeth knocked out, just for smoking crack? Its just parents overreacting and vicky paying the consequance...

I've known her for years and felt a little bad about her situation so I would still hangout and fuck her.I dont hangout with crack heads unless they were friends at one point.
She didn't get knocked out for smoking crack or being a whore it was my nut ass mom and aunt wanting to act protective and boost there egos by beating the shit out of this girl.

lol and the coke part my mom doesn't know about.
So the first time i dared to try anal i was drunk and had my monthly "friend" lol
So dude who is trying for the ufc is determined to be my first, he even went out and bought some new very small anal toys. lol still can't believe i did this lol
so after we make out like teens and head to the bedroom i see WHITE SILK SHEETS!!!! i asked him to change them or atleast cover,he said don't worry it wont be messy lmfao I will not refuse sex most women i know love it that time of the month anyways. So after many failed attemps to insert his new toys i say fuck it and excuse myself, go to the bathroom and remove the tampon, being young and dumb i figured hell it wont be very bad, lol BOY WAS I WRONG! i go back in , the lights are dim so i jump on top and insert the meat. AFter some insane sex we turn on the lights to what looks like a fresh murder scene!!! His hands. face, and random parts were all bloody, i ran to the bathroom, got dressed and left so fast i never even made eye contact. lmfao Never heard from him again lol
I've known her for years and felt a little bad about her situation so I would still hangout and fuck her.I dont hangout with crack heads unless they were friends at one point.
She didn't get knocked out for smoking crack or being a whore it was my nut ass mom and aunt wanting to act protective and boost there egos by beating the shit out of this girl.

Yeh quite unfortunate for her anyway but teeth on the floor is pretty intense punishment. never mind lolz smoking the tooth bit was funny though
So the first time i dared to try anal i was drunk and had my monthly "friend" lol
So dude who is trying for the ufc is determined to be my first, he even went out and bought some new very small anal toys. lol still can't believe i did this lol
so after we make out like teens and head to the bedroom i see WHITE SILK SHEETS!!!! i asked him to change them or atleast cover,he said don't worry it wont be messy lmfao I will not refuse sex most women i know love it that time of the month anyways. So after many failed attemps to insert his new toys i say fuck it and excuse myself, go to the bathroom and remove the tampon, being young and dumb i figured hell it wont be very bad, lol BOY WAS I WRONG! i go back in , the lights are dim so i jump on top and insert the meat. AFter some insane sex we turn on the lights to what looks like a fresh murder scene!!! His hands. face, and random parts were all bloody, i ran to the bathroom, got dressed and left so fast i never even made eye contact. lmfao Never heard from him again lol

You think you scarred him for life? You gave that poor boy a bloodshow
So the first time i dared to try anal i was drunk and had my monthly "friend" lol
So dude who is trying for the ufc is determined to be my first, he even went out and bought some new very small anal toys. lol still can't believe i did this lol
so after we make out like teens and head to the bedroom i see WHITE SILK SHEETS!!!! i asked him to change them or atleast cover,he said don't worry it wont be messy lmfao I will not refuse sex most women i know love it that time of the month anyways. So after many failed attemps to insert his new toys i say fuck it and excuse myself, go to the bathroom and remove the tampon, being young and dumb i figured hell it wont be very bad, lol BOY WAS I WRONG! i go back in , the lights are dim so i jump on top and insert the meat. AFter some insane sex we turn on the lights to what looks like a fresh murder scene!!! His hands. face, and random parts were all bloody, i ran to the bathroom, got dressed and left so fast i never even made eye contact. lmfao Never heard from him again lol
holy shitballs!!! lol thats epicness
I just want to know if any of the crackheads successfully smoked vicky's teeth

To my knowledge no but I wouldn't be surprised if they tried.There was only a couple that could of been mistaken for it the rest had blood all over them.
Its fucked up what they did to that girl but I still think its hilarious.
damn your mom and aunt are beasts... i mean they are hella fucked up people for doing that, but damn, that was one hell of a beatdown
damn your mom and aunt are beasts... i mean they are hella fucked up people for doing that, but damn, that was one hell of a beatdown

yea they are and all the wet they smoke dont help it.There always saying how they hate all these disrespectful little whores that are moving around here.Always trying to start shit with them and there old as shit lol I tell them someones gonna beat he shit out of them one day.
Summer of Seventh grade i was banging this chick and her mom pulls up outside. I bail out the back house jump a fence and started walking back home. I walked passed a Asian market and there was a Asian chick staring at me with a disgusted look on her face. I was like wtf are you staring at. So i kept walking and a little while later a car drove by and honked. I was WTF! I look down and my dick hangin in the breeze with the condom still on.

I also have shot a girl in her eye before and couldn't stop laughing. She was pissed and i literally fell off the bed laughing. This was from missionary so i was like DAMN that was a good shot!

And one last gross one. I was banging this hot ass cheerleader at my place and we had already fucked before school and at lunch. Well she wanted to go again and told me to pick her up after she got out of school so I did. Little did I know she had just left Cheerleading practice. So we start banging and this shit was the raunchiest smell ever. I fake an illness and had to stop. Well i really did get sick to my stomach. Never banged that girl again. Everyone wondered why I just stopped dating her, but only a few close friends knew the truth.

Im sure i have more..

Edit: I banged a girl with a banana and she thought i was fucking her.. LOL. I didn't want to fuck herz and she was obsessed with me, but everyone was cheering me on, so i grab the nearest thing next to me and was a banana. I even faked the orgasim and left it inside of her. LOL.