Tell me everything about shrooms.


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, remember how I said the lsd thread was for my friend? Well this ones for me. I want to know prices, trippy trip stories, and if you can, explain the effects. Basically the same thing as the LSD thread.

And by the way, your all very nice people. Every other forum I've been on has a super long survival guide. This one doesn't need one because its filled with uber-patient stoners like myself. So in other words, thanks for being so nice :)


Well-Known Member
i think shrooms are great, i get them for $5 - $10 for 1/8 ounce, the first time i did them i pretty much just sat i didnt notice anything that was going on around me, when i looked at any kind of glass there would be red lines going trough it like security lasers or something, then since i was at a friends house on the walk home (at about 2 A.M.) i thought i hered people calling my name then when i got home i thought my stereo was on and got up to see like 3 times lol but there fun


Well-Known Member
I cant help you with prices as we used to just go pick our own and we always measured them in hundreds rather than weight
but a good thing i found was to brew up about a 1000 strain them then make hot chocolate and put it in flasks then we used to drive onto the hills and drink it and tripp our nuts off,i did get freaked out once though as we did it at night and were walking on the hills and thought we heard thunder but it was wild horses charging us and it was so dark you couldnt see the person next to you:-?


Well-Known Member
i dont think there anything like that clip, ive never seen tracers or crazy stuff like all thos mushrooms he sees


Well-Known Member
lol thats good to know. can you leave those there for later and pick them out to trip some more?


Well-Known Member
I have had the tracers and the colour being more vivid ,but as for the shrooms and that i think you can see whatever is in your head at the time:shock:
just dont think negative thoughts you can have a bad trip and it can really freak you out


Active Member
Shrooms are PHENOMINAL! They are pretty pricey though ( in TN) I usually buy 1/16 for $20, or 1/8 for 40. THEY ARE WORTH EVERY PENNY! When I tripped, Nothing at all made sense. I was laughing my ass off for no reason, trees don't come down and eat you or anything, they do move weird though, the branches looked like they were waving and bending and stuff. You gotta look in the mirror when you are at a full trip, but to tell you the truth, anything is super weirdo and crazy as hell. Have fun


Well-Known Member
Shrooms are PHENOMINAL! They are pretty pricey though ( in TN) I usually buy 1/16 for $20, or 1/8 for 40. THEY ARE WORTH EVERY PENNY! When I tripped, Nothing at all made sense. I was laughing my ass off for no reason, trees don't come down and eat you or anything, they do move weird though, the branches looked like they were waving and bending and stuff. You gotta look in the mirror when you are at a full trip, but to tell you the truth, anything is super weirdo and crazy as hell. Have fun

I cant belive you pay for shrooms. Here i can pick the damn things in my front yard. They pretty much grow in any field around here. :weed:


Well-Known Member
I wish I could still trip.
I have done it so many times. I am scared to do it anymore.
It was fun to do when I was younger with no responsibilities.
I think the last time I did them was a year ago.
I said I would never do them again for about 4 years prior to last year.
This last time was ok was not as Holistic.
The time before last. I really had a mind trip.
My good friend and I were at my sisters house.
I was living with her at the time (about 3 yrs ago).
We had ate them about 4pm.
We started peaking around 5:30.
My sister came home around 7pm.
I was so f'd up when my friend left about 8 that I could hardly get words to come out.
My sister did not notice at first.
She started talking to me and I was just trying to follow what she was saying.
She had asked me a question apparently 2x's before I realized.
Then she looked at my eyes and she knew that I was wiggin.
She is my younger sister and has tripped lsd with me many years ago.
She does not like tripping. As a matter of fact she is miss goody 2shoes now.
So she started ragging on me. I could not get words to come out.
I felt retarded.
Oh well after that I tried to go to sleep.
For about another 1 and a half hours I started getting wild visuals when I closed my eyes.
I think I met either Bamji or Jesus on the astral plane in my vision.
Which ever one it was they told me that I was too close. (still not sure what that means)
It was weird it was like when I had my eyes closed I could see myself standing there within arms length of this dude as if we were shooting the breeze in common conversation.

I felt like I was transcending, which was really scary. To do that you supposedly die and move on to the next plane of existence.
Then I started thinking that I was already dead and just had not realized it yet.

Not really a bad trip just surreal.


Active Member
I cant belive you pay for shrooms. Here i can pick the damn things in my front yard. They pretty much grow in any field around here. :weed:
Unfortunately, they use some kind of additive or something around here that the cows ingest and it kills off whatever kind of spores or whatever that grow into shrooms. I think I could only do shrooms about once every couple months or so, they are freakin' nuts!


Active Member
i went rolling skating in the 6th grade...took three gel tabs and two eye thought the cops where after me....jeeze that was a mack high, where you think that you could die....keene sensus i felt my heart beat. really....shroom well that story will be another day..........