Tell Me About Your Look


Well-Known Member
humm, cant really comment on my looks without sounding like im bragging (Alot) or lying.

so i wont ;)


Well-Known Member
except when i smile, im missing a few teeth :D alot :) (its been a rough life on the poor little darlings, what can i say :))


Well-Known Member
oh just picture a thin movie/rockstar with a hillbilly smile ;) (not long locks though, more bruce willis style hair, though i look nothing like him) (have been told i look bit like nicholas cage, except i have much more fine and "elfish" features)

yeah you coaxed it out crypty, thanks bastard! :D


Well-Known Member
plus the wife says i have a huge pecker lool (always looked just average to me from top, though it looks bit impressive in a mirror :D)


Well-Known Member
hehehe actually im just telling you what other people have said.

to me

well, some days i look in the mirror and think i look pretty good. (occasionally great)

but quite often (in the memory anyway) i thought i looked just average or at worst, like crap :)

nowadays i really dont give a shit as long as the wife´s happy, she gets to tend my looks (i really dont give a crap, look like a bum when i dont have her)


Well-Known Member
lol. interesting. i am a very picky eater. i doubt i would eat that. gravy is usually made w bad quality meat. i only eat humanely raised meats. in this country,, they wil feed u a piece of shit if it's profitbale. gotta b picky.


Well-Known Member
lol. interesting. i am a very picky eater. i doubt i would eat that. gravy is usually made w bad quality meat. i only eat humanely raised meats. in this country,, they wil feed u a piece of shit if it's profitbale. gotta b picky.
YOU DON'T EAT GRAVY. That sucks. Gravy is AMAZING on anything, It's actually mostly flour.. My great grandma makes the BEST fuckin country ass food. She's so old, I love her.