Teenagers are retarded.


Well-Known Member
My sister's son's classmate is one hell of a retard, He acts to other kids like he's on top oh them , better, but he's just totally dumb. (From what I gathered while seeing him on the bus multiple times). Now I'm pretty stoned, and maybe I'm writing some jibber jabber but I just saw that kid walkin ghis dog out and like the dog's looking around having fun, the fucking kid shouts at him "lets go, you piece of shit!" And pulls him hard by the leash.
Hid did that several times. The dog sure looked very sad. It made me think, how fucking retarded do you have to be to do shit like that?


Well-Known Member
My sister's son's classmate is one hell of a retard, He acts to other kids like he's on top oh them , better, but he's just totally dumb. (From what I gathered while seeing him on the bus multiple times). Now I'm pretty stoned, and maybe I'm writing some jibber jabber but I just saw that kid walkin ghis dog out and like the dog's looking around having fun, the fucking kid shouts at him "lets go, you piece of shit!" And pulls him hard by the leash.
Hid did that several times. The dog sure looked very sad. It made me think, how fucking retarded do you have to be to do shit like that?
the problems are deep when innocent pets are used as an outlet for frustration.
Someone may want to chat with him about what IS bugging him before the dog or someone else gets
more than feelings hurt.


Well-Known Member
A joint? Nonono. As I told you I have no connection with him. And incognite, what the hell? Picture doesn't relate.


Well-Known Member
My sister's son's classmate is one hell of a retard, He acts to other kids like he's on top oh them , better, but he's just totally dumb. (From what I gathered while seeing him on the bus multiple times). Now I'm pretty stoned, and maybe I'm writing some jibber jabber but I just saw that kid walkin ghis dog out and like the dog's looking around having fun, the fucking kid shouts at him "lets go, you piece of shit!" And pulls him hard by the leash.
Hid did that several times. The dog sure looked very sad. It made me think, how fucking retarded do you have to be to do shit like that?
How retarded do you have to be to watch and not intervene? "That kid is treating his dog bad mannn. I better hit this joint again and at least I'll feel better."


Well-Known Member
A joint? Nonono. As I told you I have no connection with him. And incognite, what the hell? Picture doesn't relate.
if you saw anything then that is some connection.

what is pissing on this teens cheerios?

IDK is a non answer even if it is a correct one.


Well-Known Member
Goddamn chosen, I was in my kitchen, in my boxers, Was i supposed to get dressed in 20 secs and go slap him right then? And even if I got there in time if i slapped him he'd tell someone, then it'd end with police in my house.


Well-Known Member
Lokie, there's the thing, What I see is happening in schools (Tho I may be wrong not having the eyes of a scholar) is, the kids don't even have any problems, they act agressive just because others do, and it seems they have fun from it. Sister's son said that alot of that kinda kids have no problems in famaily and get somehat normal grades, they still act agressive. Weird huh, before I always thought there has to be problems in family/school.


Well-Known Member
Goddamn chosen, I was in my kitchen, in my boxers, Was i supposed to get dressed in 20 secs and go slap him right then? And even if I got there in time if i slapped him he'd tell someone, then it'd end with police in my house.
I didn't advocate for physical violence. In my experiences people who abuse animals are weak, scared, and timid when they are confronted. IMO the reason why they abuse the animals is because they appreciate a silent victim. But once someone that can speaks steps to them, most of the time they can barely muster a sorry because they are at such a loss for words. Any course of action is better than a course of no action.

Or stop standing around in your boxers looking at children.


Well-Known Member
You are the burn out watching a person abuse an animal while you get high. Hope you're proud big guy.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm very bad, you, on the other side, I'm sure, everytime you see someone abouse an animal ,step in and talk to them and more importantly, see that talking with them doesnt change shit.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm very bad, you, on the other side, I'm sure, everytime you see someone abouse an animal ,step in and talk to them and more importantly, see that talking with them doesnt change shit.
Whoa! Really? So the best thing to do is to do...nothing? And you think teenagers are the problem? Wow.

edit: I hope you don't have that same attitude about a child getting beat in your presence.


Well-Known Member
Argh, all you can do is try to make me feel like a criminal. Yes, I have stepped in situations alot and saw I can't make a difference, I'm not a lazy fuck that always does nothing. Jesus you people are so ignorant.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I'm very bad, you, on the other side, I'm sure, everytime you see someone abouse an animal ,step in and talk to them and more importantly, see that talking with them doesnt change shit.
Uhhh... yea. That is why we're having this conversation. I've taken a pet away from my sister because she wasn't taking care of him. A friend of mine wanted to throw a stray cat into a lake so I told him I would do it, took the cat, and pushed him in instead. I've also been driving by a park and saw some kids chasing and kicking geese so I pulled onto the sidewalk and I didn't even have to say one word and they took off running. These are just a few of the times I've stopped people from abusing animals. Did it end animal abuse in its entirety? No. But I can say that on all of those days when I did step in, the abuse I witnessed stopped right and and there for that time.

It goes on everywhere, everyday, in many different forms. Thanks to people like you.


Well-Known Member
IF there would be only people like me, animal abuse wouldn't exist, Because I never do to others what I would not want them to do to me, so you argument is just bullshit to continue expressing your need to put people down. What have I done wrong, I told you I've stepped in when needed, but I couldn't make the difference with my words, you could, so well, what, you want a medal?


Well-Known Member
I've also been driving by a park and saw some kids chasing and kicking geese so I pulled onto the sidewalk and I didn't even have to say one word and they took off running.
If you're talking about Canadian honkers, you should have let the kids keep messing with the geese. Geese can be some bad ass birds when pissed off. They would have taught those kids a lesson.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
If you're talking about Canadian honkers, you should have let the kids keep messing with the geese. Geese can be some bad ass birds when pissed off. They would have taught those kids a lesson.
I've had one of those big white geese pinch the living shit out of me. I had a bruise on my thigh for weeks. I was helping the little bastard too. LOL