Teacher fired for breaking up fight.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul thought that the North should have paid to buy slaves from southern slave owners to avoid the war, rather than the South renouncing slavery. Paul also forgets it was the South who wanted to expand slavery. Paul also forgets to mention that the South income came from slavery. All central reasoning's for the Civil War.

Did you also know Ron Paul was the only member of congress to vote against honoring the Civil Rights Act Of 1964. How can you be for something when you vote against honoring it? FUCK RON PAUL
Kind of ironic you'd mention that, cos although he said they shouldn't spend public money on it, he was the first to offer money from his own pocket to try fund it as a charity thing.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
All capitalism is crony.

I make a thing from natural resources. Let's say a spear. You can't make spears as good as me, but you are pretty good at building straw men. We agree to trade my spear for your straw man and a basket of red herring I speared for you.

You win, I win. We made an agreement and we both got what we wanted. That's a free market example of mutual exchange where both parties make an agreement and both benefit.

You still haven't told me what can be owned and not owned.


Well-Known Member
I make a thing from natural resources. Let's say a spear. You can't make spears as good as me, but you are pretty good at building straw men. We agree to trade my spear for your straw man and a basket of red herring I speared for you.

You win, I win. We made an agreement and we both got what we wanted. That's a free market example of mutual exchange where both parties make an agreement and both benefit.

You still haven't told me what can be owned and not owned.
Abandonconflict is a "libertarian socialist"...

Generally the things he says are oxyMORONIC anyways...


Well-Known Member
I make a thing from natural resources. Let's say a spear. You can't make spears as good as me, but you are pretty good at building straw men. We agree to trade my spear for your straw man and a basket of red herring I speared for you.

You win, I win. We made an agreement and we both got what we wanted. That's a free market example of mutual exchange where both parties make an agreement and both benefit.

You still haven't told me what can be owned and not owned.
And then they live happily ever after?

Cool story bro.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
And then they live happily ever after?
Cool story bro.

No. The caveman called A-Ban-don Mast-o-don never told the other guy what it was okay to own and not own. Then he started an Anarchist Government and bought a bunch of oxymorons to plow his fields, except they weren't his fields and neither was the produce....because a horde of gerbils came and shit all over the cave floor.

true story bro


Well-Known Member
Abandonconflict makes a claim: "all capitalism is crony"

Rob Roy takes a break from defending segregation and counters with fictional stories including insults. Declares victory. Will probably call abandonconflict a troll.

Ancap cognitive dissonance is dizzying.


Well-Known Member
Kind of ironic you'd mention that, cos although he said they shouldn't spend public money on it, he was the first to offer money from his own pocket to try fund it as a charity thing.
and he could have still given his 100 dollars after he voted to honor it on a federal level.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Abandonconflict makes a claim: "all capitalism is crony"

Rob Roy takes a break from defending segregation and counters with fictional stories including insults. Declares victory. Will probably call abandonconflict a troll.

Ancap cognitive dissonance is dizzying.

I'm not defending segregation. I'm defending the right of ALL people to associate with others on a consensual basis, not on a forced basis. Some of those people will associate with people we might, some will not. Even asshole racists deserve to be left alone when they remain on their property.

You are defending making people associate with people they'd rather not. How can you say you are not? How is that not force?

Also you've never told me what people can and cannot own. You seem scared of a real debate, caught between posting pictures and claiming injury when the other person presents questions you can't answer.


Well-Known Member
Abandonconflict makes a claim: "all capitalism is crony"

Rob Roy takes a break from defending segregation and counters with fictional stories including insults. Declares victory. Will probably call abandonconflict a troll.

Ancap cognitive dissonance is dizzying.
Capitalism cannot be crony without Govt to give some an advantage over others.

If Govt and business weren't directly financially linked, crony capitalism would disappear.


Well-Known Member
and he could have still given his 100 dollars after he voted to honor it on a federal level.
His ideas that the function of the federal government has little to do with forcibly taking money to pay for things like this and we should contribute voluntarily is just radical. What a crazy racist. He stood on principle and then offered his OWN money instead of yours, what a MONSTER.


Well-Known Member
I'm not defending segregation. I'm defending the right of ALL people to associate with others on a consensual basis, not on a forced basis. Some of those people will associate with people we might, some will not. Even asshole racists deserve to be left alone when they remain on their property.

You are defending making people associate with people they'd rather not. How can you say you are not? How is that not force?

Also you've never told me what people can and cannot own. You seem scared of a real debate, caught between posting pictures and claiming injury when the other person presents questions you can't answer.
You adhere to a philosophy that was thought up by the corporate masters of the capitalist class by the perversion of language with an oxymoron for a name.

The impasse is therefore built in when one tries to reason with you.

Segregation is not freedom.

That is why you try to deflect by repeating the question regarding my views. You can't defend yours.


Well-Known Member
Capitalism can not exist without a state.
Is there a system where trade occurs between people that wouldn't require a ruling body of some sort and a system to punish offenders?

This is where you are abandoncommonsense; You can't articulate what can be owned or not, you can't articulate who decides what is community property if there is no ruling body, you can't articulate what to do with the broken people who will inevitably pee in the punch, in fact, you can't really answer much of anything without using somebody's catch phrase that doesn't really pertain.

Trade between people happened way before official governments existed.

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Capitalism can not exist without a state.
You adhere to a philosophy that was thought up by the corporate masters of the capitalist class by the perversion of language with an oxymoron for a name.

The impasse is therefore built in when one tries to reason with you.

Segregation is not freedom.

That is why you try to deflect by repeating the question regarding my views. You can't defend yours.
So you don't agree that two parties can make a free trade arrangement and both benefit from it?

The ability of people to be free of forced associations, is that what you are against?

I'm not advocating segregation. I'm advocating choice. You are not. You are advocating removal of choice.
If some people wish to be separate from others, I'm not going to make them associate, but you will.