Tea for seedlings?


Well-Known Member
Hi everyone I started using tea in my last grow and It's been working great...
So i have a huge batch of tea that's been brewing that I plan to give my plants in flower today. I was thinking about feeding my seedlings with it as we'll only because I happen to have the tea ready to go... Is it bad for my seedlings. There only a week old and still only 2 inches tall with there first set of leaves.
Forgot to mention there in coco and haven't gave nutes yet. And don't plan on it for a few weeks
Figured that it may not help much but will it hurt them?

Richard Drysift

Well-Known Member
2 week old seedlings shouldn't need anything at all but if it's killing you to use up your tea you could dilute it down with clean water & use a hand sprayer to folar feed.
I assume this is a worm tea? If so you can give them a folar feed weekly until they are big enough to feed the roots. It works even better if you have a supply of fresh worm castings you can put a teaspoon or so on as a top dressing which raises the microbial activity in your soil immensely.