Tea baggers love feudalism.

No you don't get it Keynes, you're the one who would be starting the cult and hence touching little boys. I'm not into that creepy shit hahha

Nice try ;)

still as clever as a fencepost.

you dont even understand how foolish you sound.

were you untroubled by thoughts of smooth young boys, and their creamy thighs, you would not bring it up so often.

and yet these are the first words on your lips, so one can only assume that these thoughts are always at the forefront.
Then why do you keep bringing Marx into the discussion?

uhh because youre not an "anarchist"

you are a marxist socialist. who THINKS he is an anarchist.

anarchists seek to tear down the social structure and leave NOTHING in it's place.

you have established that in fact you wish to REPLACE the current structure with another (albeit ill-formed, poorly thought out, and illogical) structure which is most consistent with Authoritarian Socialism.

how else can you ensure that the "Means Of Production" (which goes all the way down to the level of Seeds!) will not be claimed and dominated by some power (other than the collective which you have previously articulated which is indistinguishable from a Soviet) without some form of power to ensure the freedom of all to serve the collective?

further, YOU are the one who keeps posting quotes from marx, quotes from notable marxists, images of marx, images of people carrying signs displaying the logo of well knowm marxist organizations, and even your signature is a quote from a well recognized marxist, bertie russel, who was such a good friend of the bolshevik movement that he was able to gain personal audiences with lenin, trotsky, gorky and the entire bolshevik elite after the russian revolution.
still as clever as a fencepost.

you dont even understand how foolish you sound.

were you untroubled by thoughts of smooth young boys, and their creamy thighs, you would not bring it up so often.

and yet these are the first words on your lips, so one can only assume that these thoughts are always at the forefront.

LOL Keynes what kind of creepy guy tries to deny touching little boys while talking about their "creamy thighs" and "smooth young boys"

You and Limbaugh have more in common than I thought.
LOL Keynes what kind of creepy guy tries to deny touching little boys while talking about their "creamy thighs" and "smooth young boys"

You and Limbaugh have more in common than I thought.

i dunno, why you keep bringing it up?

i gotta assume this is super important to you, i guess you cannot resist their doe-eyed innocence and their trusting gaze as you offer them candy to climb into your windowless panel van...
i dunno, why you keep bringing it up?

i gotta assume this is super important to you, i guess you cannot resist their doe-eyed innocence and their trusting gaze as you offer them candy to climb into your windowless panel van...

You sound like you've done this before. How long have you been a pedophile?
bertie russel, who was such a good friend of the bolshevik movement that he was able to gain personal audiences with lenin, trotsky, gorky and the entire bolshevik elite after the russian revolution.

you're butthurt

but clearly you haven't read him dispraise communism as a religion

You probably haven't read anything he wrote, that would be like you, to criticize Bertrand Russel and call him a Marxist despite that you have only read some scathing criticism of him in which some biased proto-tea-bagger of the Mccarthyist variety took a break from extolling Reagan to discredit Russel out of fear of his sheeple food losing flavor leading to the thinning of his flock.
you're butthurt

but clearly you haven't read him dispraise communism as a religion

You probably haven't read anything he wrote, that would be like you, to criticize Bertrand Russel and call him a Marxist despite that you have only read some scathing criticism of him in which some biased proto-tea-bagger of the Mccarthyist variety took a break from extolling Reagan to discredit Russel out of fear of his sheeple food losing flavor leading to the thinning of his flock.


he was a true believer in marxism, and was disillusioned with bolshevism since it stopped short of the worker's paradise and ultimately betrayed the principles of the communist utopian dream.

perhaps it's YOU who hasnt read bertie russel, save the pithy notable quotable catchphrases found on wikiquotes, or your marxist thought of the day calendar.


"The Russian Revolution is one of the great heroic events of the world's history. It is natural to compare it to the French Revolution, but it is in fact something of even more importance. It does more to change daily life and the structure of society: it also does more to change men's beliefs. The difference is exemplified by the difference between Marx and Rousseau: the latter sentimental and soft, appealing to emotion, obliterating sharp outlines; the former systematic like Hegel, full of hard intellectual content, appealing to historic necessity and the technical development of industry, suggesting a view of human beings as puppets in the grip of omnipotent material forces. Bolshevism combines the characteristics of the French Revolution with those of the rise of Islam; and the result is something radically new, which can only be understood by a patient and passionate effort of imagination.

Before entering upon any detail, I wish to state, as clearly and unambiguously as I can, my own attitude towards this new thing. By far the most important aspect of the Russian Revolution is as an attempt to realize Communism. I believe that Communism is necessary to the world, and I believe that the heroism of Russia has fired men's hopes in a way which was essential to the realization of Communism in the future. Regarded as a splendid attempt, without which ultimate success would have been very improbable, Bolshevism deserves the gratitude and admiration of all the progressive part of mankind.

But the method by which Moscow aims at establishing Communism is a pioneer method, rough and dangerous, too heroic to count the cost of the opposition it arouses. I do not believe that by this method a stable or desirable form of Communism can be established. Three issues seem to me possible from the present situation. The first is the ultimate defeat of Bolshevism by the forces of capitalism. The second is the victory of the Bolshevists accompanied by a complete loss of their ideals and a régime of Napoleonic imperialism. The third is a prolonged world-war, in which civilization will go under, and all its manifestations (including Communism) will be forgotten.
It is because I do not believe that the methods of the Third International can lead to the desired goal that I have thought it worth while to point out [7]what seem to me undesirable features in the present state of Russia. I think there are lessons to be learnt which must be learnt if the world is ever to achieve what is desired by those in the West who have sympathy with the original aims of the Bolsheviks. I do not think these lessons can be learnt except by facing frankly and fully whatever elements of failure there are in Russia. I think these elements of failure are less attributable to faults of detail than to an impatient philosophy, which aims at creating a new world without sufficient preparation in the opinions and feelings of ordinary men and women.
But although I do not believe that Communism can be realized immediately by the spread of Bolshevism, I do believe that, if Bolshevism falls, it will have contributed a legend and a heroic attempt without which ultimate success might never have come. A fundamental economic reconstruction, bringing with it very far-reaching changes in ways of thinking and feeling, in philosophy and art and private relations, seems absolutely necessary if industrialism is to become the servant of man instead of his master. In all this, I am at one with the Bolsheviks; politically, I criticize them only when their methods seem to involve a departure from their own ideals."
~Bertrand Russel, The Practice and Theory of Bolshevism, 1920.

whoa, lets rewind that shit....

"I am at one with the Bolsheviks; politically, I criticize them only when their methods seem to involve a departure from their own ideals."

ohh snap.

looks like somebody is WRONG AGAIN.
I don't understand this fascination with smooth young boys. The rough ones afford so much more traction. cn

Yeah, give me smooth young girls, any day. Don't want traction for squirmy, now do we?

And the same subject, but not addressed to you, cn.

I am ever fascinated with this trolling having invented it so long ago, for business purposes.
(not to say other didn't on their own, as well)

If a troll is known to be trolling are we trolling to continue the spew and venom back and forth.

I sometimes do so, I admit. As the sexy Kary in the City, might ask.....

Is it trolling to be trolled?
Yeah, give me smooth young girls, any day. Don't want traction for squirmy, now do we?

i aint sayin shit.

Pro tip: the smooth ones might be underripe. cn

Ah, ma'm. I know you say you are 18, but I'm needin' to see some shaving stubble.

Well, indeed a compliment and I thank you.

It's just that very young, for me, is a woman who says she is not a day over 39. :)
Ah, ma'm. I know you say you are 18, but I'm need to see some shaving stubble. Well, indeed a compliment and I thank you.

It's just that very young for me is a woman who says she is not a day over 39. :)

Actually, I suffer from the same affliction. Under 40 means under my radar. cn
I only brought him in the discussion when you...idk...Post Pictures and quotes of Karl Marx

It was in a context, I did not simply post a pic of Karl Marx unilaterally. Kynes brought up Marx to say I'm a Marxist but kind of not so he can insist that capitalism is anarchy and then he said he's a Marxist. I know that you didn't charge into the thread calling me a Marxist.

he was a true believer in marxism, and was disillusioned with bolshevism since it stopped short of the worker's paradise and ultimately betrayed the principles of the communist utopian dream.

Blue and red are mutually exclusive.

At one time in his life he was very Marxist.

This is not a viable assault upon my signature.
It was in a context, I did not simply post a pic of Karl Marx unilaterally. Kynes brought up Marx to say I'm a Marxist but kind of not so he can insist that capitalism is anarchy and then he said he's a Marxist. I know that you didn't charge into the thread calling me a Marxist.

again, capitalism and anarchy CANNOT CO-EXIST

they are mutually exclusive, since anarchy destroys capital, destabilizes trade and prevents markets from forming.

also, AGAIN, i am a little bit marxist, because a little bit of planning in an economy is better than NO planning or too much planning.

and AGAIN, you are only marxist in that you repeat the phrases and ideol,ogy you hear from marxists, but you have demonstrated a conspicuous lack of understanding, which is essential for actually becoming a real marxist.

you are a CULTURAL marxist, only celebrating communism on the high holy days, and demanding the destruction of capitalism for reasons you dont understand, but simply accept on faith.
Blue and red are mutually exclusive.

At one time in his life he was very Marxist.

This is not a viable assault upon my signature.

marxism is a basic order
communism rests as a subtype within marxism
socialism is also a subtype within marxism.
bolshevism started off as a communist revolution, but became a socialist revolution thanks to stalin and his compatriots who felt socialism was more agreeable to THEIR AIMS than communism, and thus they drove out lenin and trotsky.

one can be a marxist and a socialist
one can be a marxist and a communist
but one cannot be a communist and a socialist the two are mutually exclusive, despite both being under the umbrella of marx.

nor can one be a marxist and a capitalist, since marxism is anathema to capitalism.
anarchy likewise is anathema to marxism of all sorts, as well as capitalism.

anarchy is chaos, and under the rule of chaos, no society or economic action can exist, much less progress beyond simple survival and defense against the chaos and the raiders, bandits, petty warlords and madmen who thrive under those conditions.

oddly, and not at all paradoxically, one can be a communist or a socialist in a capitalist society, since capitalism is neutral on your personal choices, and your ideology has no effect on the market provided you do not attempt to force others to obey your beliefs.

curiously, marxism is also in direct opposition to all forms of religion, save faith in marxism, which is the ONLY feature it shares with anarchy, since anarchy is directly opposed to EVERY form of social interaction, save violence.