Well-Known Member
Wrong, some don't even vote on the union president. It's run just like a communist, with a inner and outter circle.
At least I know the uaw is
Citations please
Bob King (labor leader)
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[TABLE="class: infobox biography vcard, width: 22"]
[TH="colspan: 2, align: center"]Bob King
[TD="colspan: 2, align: center"]

King at the World Economic Forum annual meeting in Davos, 2012
[TH="align: left"]Born
[TD]Robert T. King

Michigan, U.S.
[TH="align: left"]Nationality
[TD="class: category"]American
[TH="align: left"]Occupation
[TD="class: role"]Lawyer; Labor leader
[TH="align: left"]Known for
[TD]President, United Auto Workers
Robert T. "Bob" King (born August 18, 1946)[SUP][1][/SUP] is an American lawyer and labor union activist and leader. He was elected President of the United Auto Workers (UAW) on June 15, 2010
On December 10, 2009, just a month after the Ford contract was rejected, King announced he would run for the presidency of the UAW.[SUP][70][/SUP] There were some concerns voiced in the press about King's viability as a candidate, since the UAW had lost 40 percent of its membership in the past eight years (18 percent since 200

King was opposed by Gary Walkowicz, a member from King's former Local 600.[SUP][24][/SUP][SUP][71][/SUP] It was the first time since 1992 that there had been a contest for the presidency of the UAW.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][24][/SUP][SUP][72][/SUP]
Bob King won the race for President of the UAW on June 15, 2010.[SUP][2][/SUP] The vote was 2,115 to 74, giving King a winning margin of 97 percent of the vote.[SUP][24][/SUP][SUP][73][/SUP]
One newspaper reporter described King as an effective organizer and a "fiery" public speaker.[SUP][74][/SUP] King said he would pursue an agenda of "equality of gain" under which financially recovered automakers would share their economic gains with workers.[SUP][2][/SUP][SUP][75][/SUP] The UAW's contracts the Chrysler, Ford, and General Motors all expire in 2011.[SUP][2][/SUP] King also said he would seek to roll back some of the concessions the union had made in the past four years, and engage in extensive organizing to rebuild the union's membership.[SUP][2][/SUP] According to Bernie Ricke, president of Local 600, King is a firm believer in Social Movement Unionism,[SUP][2][/SUP] a philosophy that argues unions should form and promote broad coalitions to seek greater social and economic justice.