Tattoo Design Help PLZ


Active Member
Hey i need help drawing up my new tat i drew a very blank and generic version of what i want but i cant draw for shit the general look of what i want is of older bills because they are way more artistic then the ones we have now i would like to keep it black an white with shading and its going on my right rib cage down the side. i had a girl sketch up something before and i was going to go off what she did because it was the shit but she lost it. what she did was make a little noticeable stack of some what used money the top $100 bill had a slight rip towards a corner and also had a slight wave to it. im a little past due for my ink so i would greatly appriciate someones help sketching up something hell if i end up really liking it ill throw you anywhere from 20-40 dollers through paypal or something



Active Member
i drew this up over 2 years ago so its kinda old on what i want in and on its i changed a lot of it but cant remember atm shouldnt of smoked the 2 blunts i did before i tried to use my creative genius lol so feel free to use yours