Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

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Ha ha. That makes me think of the joke from south park. "Once I saw two guys kissing in the park, but this is gayer than that." I just remember when I repeated that to my dad when my bike overheated. [82 honda Sabre 750, water-cooled, but with no water] He could not quit laughing. It caused me to start laughing even though we had to fill it with water and wait 20 minutes on the side of the road for it to cool before we could proceed.
this thread is officially gay.

This subject reminded me of this post, and it still makes me giggle :lol:

i tried that once. dude at the bar. he had really pretty eyes. i said to him "you must get all the hot chicks". he said "why do you say that?" i said "cause you have really pretty eyes". he TOTALLY took it the wrong way.

EDIT: aww, I think that quote might have been from the I love you thread...I dunno, but the threads been deleted. I saved the quote on my notepad :wink:
". . .homosexuality is something unnatural and almost a crime against humanity . . ."

What should be done with your unnatural babies if surgery doesn't fix their gender?


Perhaps they should be sent to special schools or concentrated into camps if there are too many or perhaps just tattooing them with a visible mark would work, Parker?

What do you suggest be done with the Faafafine or the Hijra of your home town?

Perhaps a good ol' stoning would be just the thing your home town dark church would condone.

I've lived in such places.
". . .homosexuality is something unnatural and almost a crime against humanity . . ."

What should be done with your unnatural babies if surgery doesn't fix their gender?


Perhaps they should be sent to special schools or concentrated into camps if there are too many or perhaps just tattooing them would work, Parker?

What do you suggest be done with the Faafafine or the Hijra of your home town?

Perhaps a good ol' stoning would be just the thing your home town dark church would condone.

I've lived in such places.
EXACTLY! Finally somebody gets it! We need to put these queer fuckers in concentration camps an torch the unnatural sonsabitches!!!!!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

These new fuckin stoners are to serious.......
Gay colored.

"We need to put these queer fuckers in concentration camps an torch the unnatural sonsabitches!!!!!!!!!"

Can we fuck 'em first?

Here, let me bend over for you nice and far, Brev.
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