Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

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You've never been part of one of those elite bicycle racing crews?

Don't have them all over your town?

I don't know.. maybe it's me... but I grew up with the shit.
I have spandex shorts and an aerodynamic helmet...

I do a lot of two-wheeling... motorized and not motorized...

this makes me picture you all spandexed out, with said aerodynamic helmet on, doing the spidey dance :-P:clap:
i know what you mean there. When i was browsing the new pics today, there was like, 30 posts with nothing but dongs. My girlfriend walked in on me and was wondering wtf. I was like "there's naked chicks too" and i kept scrolling but the wieners just kept coming. You can imagine my relief when i finally saw some boobs. :)

i had not seen that commercial funny yeah i race a bit right now im sponsored partially by a dispensary they give me gear and pay my race fees im the only person i know sponsored by anything cannabis related.
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