Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

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heres another for a few minutes only lol!
:shock: :spew: :confused: :evil: :o WTF????????? Why would she do that???!!!! :cry: Not enough weed in the world to get that out of my head!!! I have a feeling this thread wont be here much longer. Sorry wikid for all the idiot losers out there that cant stand to see a good thread.
Eh, I can't lie...I have been known to bitch, and I can be hard to get along with.I just tend to identify with guys more in a social setting.I have five brothers,so I'm used to guys and the way they are.I find it a freer way of being than acting like a "lady" is expected to.I'm just me,and if they don't like it, too bad.Now, back to the thread,lol.
me neither dude. i think that we're way cooler than girlie girls...all they ever do is bitch and complain...hahahaha

i went out for halloween this year with my best friend and a bunch of other people...and i ended up chilling with the boys all night! haha i mean...who else was i supposed to toke with? :-|
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