Tasteful Nudity *no marijuana required*

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thanks for the rep gambler .. here a few hot naked chicks for u :-P

whooo my old appearance is back!!!!!

Yeah, I noticed that. First, the site was back to original appearance and non-functional, then functional with old [fucked up] appearance, then finally, back to 'normalcy.' Anyone else notice how crazy it was when all the threads worked but none of them bumped when posted in? It was hard to use.
Seriously worried about you fdd.Either you're Gay,Cant stand anyone to have a good time or just a fucked up individual.Maybe all of the above.:wall:
The penis pick's do not bother me.
What I thought was nasty. Was the chick's with &^$%.
That is just plain ol trickery.
Awesome thread. Keep the pic's a comin.
back to lurkin.
Seriously worried about you fdd.Either you're Gay,Cant stand anyone to have a good time or just a fucked up individual.Maybe all of the above.:wall:
i think its gr8 that one lil thread can identify so many homophobes and ppl not secure enough in their sexuality to look at another mans penis..
i think its gr8 that one lil thread can identify so many homophobes and ppl not secure enough in their sexuality to look at another mans penis..

I think it's just most guys/girls would rather not look at cock, IDK.. At least, most of the bitches I know like the taco.. not the sausage.. unless there in bed w/ me.. yaaa :weed:
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