
Hi lads ive just cropped some blueberry plants its been drying only 2 days now, ive just tried a smoke of it and it tasted horriable is there a reason to it tasting like that. If i dry it longer which i intend to for about 10 days will it get its taste and i have flushed with ph water. Cheers


Active Member
If you're impatient you can try a water cure on some of you're buds but I'd highly recommend a nice long jar cure. To water cure simply leave the buds soaking in distiller water, change the water once or twice a day and continue this for 5-7 days then hang dry or dry in a dehumidifier.


Active Member
Did you flush the plant well before harvesting?
A slow dry and a cure (jarring it for a few days after it is dry completely, airing it out for an hour or so every day) should mellow it out..
Can't smoke it wet-- the Chlorophyll hasn't dissipate yet..... Yuck!