Tarmacs first grow thread


Active Member
i might consider transplanting and using a five gallon to flower in with how long you are going to veg them and then go on vacation then come back to flower them with that 2 weeks of stretch? im not sure a 3 gal will be big enough for your ladies. but hell, i could be wrong too =)


Well-Known Member
Yes you can water everyday for healthy big plants, I used to do that in the summer, now I only do it every 2 days and it's not a complete soaking - I learned best about how long I could go without watering them from the plant..... Not saying do this but it doesn't harm the plant in my experience .... Leave the plant don't water and when she needs a drink she will make it obvious, her leaves will droop and she will look thirsty so give her a good watering and in a hour she be looking great again but most importantly you have a feel for how long before watering and how long you got if you forget .....
you can over water as well and the plant looks kind of the same as under watering with droopy foliage.

Search google or the search bar at top for pics :)


Active Member
Thank you all for the suggestions. I will look at the 5 gals for sure, but I don't want these to get too big! hahaha. I note all of my waterings and the amount, and I am starting to see an increased amount every time. I will keep noting and keep up with it!

Man, I am still having problems burning my leaves. I am keeping the light 8 inches from the bulb to the top of the plants- from what I have read, that is right.. however, you can see I am still burning! This is only occurring on the top canopy. Any advice would really help! TIA

Just incase this is nute burn, once a week I used 1tbspn of Roots Trilogy and 1tbspn of Buddha Bloom. Still trying to stay low on the nutes since the soil is only a few weeks old.


Active Member

to answer your light question, as best i can; i keep my 600w cooltube with no fan blowing directly through it about six inches from the top of my plants. i let them tell me how they feel plus i keep an eye on my temps and hand check the area over the tops a few times a day. i feel it is safe but it gives me an excuse to be with my girls. :weed:


Active Member
Flipping into flower today. Going early to keep these gals small. I repotted them into 3 gals on Saturday and they jumped from 12 to 15 inches just over that small amount of time. The clones are a little over 4 weeks old, and if they were to start from seed I would prob say they are at 6-7 weeks.

Update on the wine stakes- they work! The entire wine bottle was empty by day 4.


Active Member
how wet was the soil?
"Wet enough" is what I would say- but that will change after these plants grow and need more water. A nice thing I found was that the plant I tried this out on didn't even have a saucer to hold any drainage. The floor was never wet, so I assume the stakes absorbed the water into the soil efficiently.

Since I repotted them I also included the plant stakes so I'm not disturbing any roots trying to shove them in after the fact. I am trying 1 of the stakes out again in the actual grow room just to double check that this will work while I am on vacation. I'll post pics tomorrow once the lights are back on to show you what it looks like. Pretty cool.


Active Member
Heres some picture updates. 2nd day on 12/12 and finally think I have the nutes right. Using Roots Trilogy because of the molasses and also Roots Bloom. I also have pics of what the plant nurses look like and the plant I am doing a trial on. I fed/watered the plants yesterday and also put a full wine bottle in, and as you can see it hasn't taken much water out of the bottle since the soil was already saturated.



Active Member
I'm not anymore, just used them to make sure they work. I ended up finding 2 more, so while I am gone I will have 2 bottles for each plant. I also found bigger wine bottles that are twice the size of normal bottles, so I really don't see how I could dry my plants out in the 7 days I'll be gone.

Plants are exploding in size, around 23 inches now.


Active Member
Day 13 of 12/12. Am I doing alright with spacing and light height, or do you think I would be better moving the light higher and spreading the plants?
