Tap Water for my bubbler? I have always used distilled but WOW tap here is 90 ppm


Well-Known Member
When I did my bubbler hydro in west texas the water was so shitty I NEVER let it touch my plants the PPM was off the charts.

I live in the big city now, in a nice area, and for shit and giggles I checked the tap water ( I used distilled ) the tap water was in the 90s in PPM and I tested and retested.

So can I use tap water with my nutes for my babies to drink? or is it still a bad idea?


Uses the Rollitup profile
Your tap water will work just fine, and if the starting pH is alkaline, your res pH will be more stable. Many growers who use RO water will add some alkaline tap water to help stabilize their pH.

HTH :mrgreen: