Tap water 7.6 PH. When drained through the soil 6.0 PH. Help!


Active Member
Ok, so the PH is too high of the tap water I've been feeding my plants.

I've got a simple aquarium test kit.

So I've been told to run the water through, and test what drips out. What drips out is 6.0 PH.

What should I do!? :( I'm confused. One is too high. One is too low.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so the PH is too high of the tap water I've been feeding my plants.

I've got a simple aquarium test kit.

So I've been told to run the water through, and test what drips out. What drips out is 6.0 PH.

What should I do!? :( I'm confused. One is too high. One is too low.
Are you doing soil or hydro?:joint:

Duh, I just saw that you are in soil. Don't worry about testing the runoff. This is a highly inaccurate way to test soil pH.:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
lowes sells a soil ph tester for fairly cheap. you can use wardleys bullseye 6.8 for ph. Available at most pet supply stores. Ive used and it works.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
True, and also what soil are you using? I would just make sure that your PH going in your soil is right. I don't really worry about the run off unless I am having problems. But I also use FFOF soil and it is supposed to be PH balanced.


Well-Known Member
Yea as long as your soil is decent and isnt loaded with peat moss, whatever you feed with, thats usually what you ph will be in soil. This is if its a good buffered soil or medium.


Well-Known Member
distilled water is the best bet. But when you add ferts it is going to mess with the ph, depending on what your adding. Having a water soluble ph regulator is almost required. But Distilled with no ferts should sit at exactly 7.0ph. Ive had no problems with using distilled.

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
It is weird my distilled water ph is below 5 when I get it so I have to add one drop of PH up to a galon then test again. I use FF ferts, This is my first grow but so far I am in love with Fox Farm products!


Well-Known Member
It is weird my distilled water ph is below 5 when I get it so I have to add one drop of PH up to a galon then test again. I use FF ferts, This is my first grow but so far I am in love with Fox Farm products!
When I have used distilled water in the past it is typically around a pH of 8. This is because water is a terrible buffer and will take on the pH of even the smallest impurity. Even distilled isn't perfectly pure so it can contain trace minerals/chemicals which can alter the pH. Do you leave your distilled water out? If so it is probably reacting with the CO2 in the air and forming a weak acid called carbonic acid. This will lower the pH of your distilled water.:mrgreen:

Here is a little explanation: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_pH_of_distilled_water

Howard Stern

Well-Known Member
When I have used distilled water in the past it is typically around a pH of 8. This is because water is a terrible buffer and will take on the pH of even the smallest impurity. Even distilled isn't perfectly pure so it can contain trace minerals/chemicals which can alter the pH. Do you leave your distilled water out? If so it is probably reacting with the CO2 in the air and forming a weak acid called carbonic acid. This will lower the pH of your distilled water.:mrgreen:

Here is a little explanation: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_the_pH_of_distilled_water
No I don't leave it out at all if you are refering to exposed to the open air. I go through three gallons per watering so I just open ph the water and give it to my girls. I had bad experiance with tap and when I switched to distilled my plants are doing wonderful! Tnaks for the web site I will check it out. I am a noob so I read as much as I can about this wonderful plant!


Well-Known Member
No I don't leave it out at all if you are refering to exposed to the open air. I go through three gallons per watering so I just open ph the water and give it to my girls. I had bad experiance with tap and when I switched to distilled my plants are doing wonderful! Tnaks for the web site I will check it out. I am a noob so I read as much as I can about this wonderful plant!
If you click on the link in my signature, I have a pretty comprehensive thread dealing with water. Check it out if you have some spare time. I use reverse osmosis water now which is almost as pure as distilled and considerably cheaper. I can get it for about $.25 per gallon from the grocery store self serve water machine. I was in a similar boat with crappy tapwater. It was over 600 ppm! Best of luck and happy growing.:weed:


Well-Known Member
I just kicked out for a reverse osmosis filter (149.00) but haven't used it yet as I already had a big resevoir with nutes and balanced out. I would let the tap water sit out for at least 24 hours (but with cover on resevoir) I bought a little ph test kit from a pool and spa place because where I am located we have high levels of chlorine, I want this out and I never test my water (I'm growing organic btw)until after I have added my fertilizer (I'm using Advanced Nutrients) and I would have to add some down because it would consistently be 8.5. With Fox Farm Ocean Forrest (2 part) and Light Warrior (1 part) I maintain a 6.2-6.5 ph constantly.