Tangerine Dream, White Rhino x Dutch Cheese, Vanilla Kush - Week 4 flowering - w/pics


Sounds OK, sounds much like my setup. When it drops that low it kind of slows growth the next day, I'm struggling a bit with that at the minute. Some strains seem to handle it better than others and this Tangerine Dream I have seems fairly temperature sensitive.

You have to remember though even master growers (I'm far from one of those myself) still get the odd seed - the default state of the cannabis plant seems to be hermaphroditism, the damn thing just want's to live on and the only way to do that is to throw a seed.
Thanks a bunch for your input!!! I'm a bit re-assured...


Not good... there are more seeds... WOW... that is surprising... I have grown outside and only had seeds one year out of 5 or 6.... I'm doing it inside now, in a controlled environnement with only females and I end up with seeds?!?!?

I am really pissed off right now, but I don't know what I am pissed off about!!!! Can't figure out what it could be...

I got a feeling it's the leafy VK... I'm cutting it down and I will be able to inspect while trimming...

By the look of it yesterday, even my WR x DT and TD's could be pollinated...

Even though I fed them Friday, I gave the 3 I'm cutting down today 3 liters of water each last night in an attempt to quickly flush and I'm on the way o cut them now, just before light goes on...


And I forgot, I have dried cured the first WR x DT and the top of one VK.

My WR x DT was not the best of the 3 plants, and it shows in the result. Buds are really fluffy, and it makes for light smoke. Taste is ok, buzz is decent, but nothing wow, although better than some commercial hydro I bought in the past.

The VK is pretty good. Great taste and smell, very decent buzz, a bit on the sleepy type...

Now, I have dried the rest of the fluffy Wr x DT, which will probably go for hash making, it's even fluffier than it's top I cut earlier.

The other WR x DT that I cutted and dried is AMAZING!!!! Some nice big buds, semi-dense and crystally as hell!!! I smoked a little bud that was not cured and I am buzzed out like I haven't been in a long time. I am going to cut that third WR x DT today, it's the one with four big tops. I was really looking forward to that one, but I think either it's over ripped or it got pollinated because it's starting to look and feel weird... Sorta dried to the touch and not as crystally as it once looked.

I will post pics of the buds shortly!!!



Alright, here's a little update...

2/3 of my crop is dried and is curing for a various amount of time.

Here's the run down of every plants. It does not include all the popcorn buds I have put with the trims to make some bubble hash...

My taller WR x DT: 33g
Four tops WR x DT: 39g
Fluffy early ripe WR x DT: 25g

Orange VK: 24g
Tall VK: 29g
Leafy (possibly hermie) VK: 34g

So I got roughly an once a plant which is pretty good for my first real indoor grow. Everything seems smokable. 4 out of 6 are superior buds. The fluffy WR is ok, buzz is fine, it just does not look very good.

The leafy VK I have not tried yet, it has not cured enough. It does have a very distinctive smell. A smell I can percieve in the other VKs, but much stronger of that perticular one. The hairs are not as orange and thick as the others... it is more leafy and may have been my hermie... found 2 immature seeds so far in this one, and one in a WR x DT... grrrr...

I am very curious to see what it is like to smoke. I don't really like the strong, licorice-like smell of the buds so we'll see.

As far as the other... I really do not see where the vanilla is in the Vanilla Kush. It has a very Kushy buzz, putting you to sleep. Taste pretty good though...

I prefer my Wr x DT so far because it has a very well balanced buzz,, that is both strong and not too incapacitating. It does not taste bad at all, but not perticularly good

And, the Tangerine Dreams are on the way, they seem to have halted they're maturing for awhile... only 15-25% red hairs so far... I hope they were not pollinated too badly... if so I may try to keep one of them going to at least get somme seeds of this mishap...

I still don't get where it comes from!!!

Cheers everyone!



love the group shot pic....nice grow...subbed
Thanks del...

I am thinking of swtiching to 12/12 from seeds soon... I could use some advice... Strain and Nutes wise, or whatever else you may want to share!!!

My goal is 2 ounces a plant. If I could get that with a 9 plants rotation of perpetual grow, I'd be more than happy! I figure I can do that many under a 1000W HPS. Nine 3 gallons pots arranged 3x3 fits well, unless plants get too bushy, but on 12/12 from seed, it does not seem to get too bushy so this is my master plan!!!

And congrats on your 8,000th post!!!



I cut a few branches of a TD today... found some seeds in at least two of them. I'm finding a lot of seed pockets on many dried buds of other plants... On the TD they are more mature because the TD are taking longer to Flower.

I really can't see how I golinated that much. Almost scealed room, all females and was taking daily care of them and never noticed any hermie or male parts growing...

I hope I will avoid that next grow... so far the TDs look OK, but I realized the stunned growth was probably due to energy being put in seed formation.. darn!!!

I think I will let one plant mature enough so I can collect a few seeds, at least I would get some seeds out of this...


New Member
hey just checked out your thread. nice grow you got going on man. you got any recent update pics of the TD?


hey just checked out your thread. nice grow you got going on man. you got any recent update pics of the TD?

TDs are cut, trimmed and drying as of last night. Very disapointed so far. They all have seeds, seed pockets, and some pollen sacks hidden deep down in the buds.

Seems to me like stress induced hermaprodites.

I may have chopped a bit early, but when I realized they were full of seeds and hermiated, I said the hell with that!!!

I got to say that I am very dissapointed in all the feminized seeds I bought. I was lucky to have those WR x DT seeds I kept from a local grower. I kept them for too long and ended up having 3 plants out of 50 seeds several years later and luckily they were all females. 2 out of 3 turned out AMAZING. I have 4 clones coming from those 3 plants. Since I did not mark the specific plant and only the strain, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I have some coming from one of the 2 amazing plants.

I will take identified clones of each of my 4 WR x DT this time around and make a mother out of a clone related to my best plant. This strain is awesome and needs to live on. I feel some sort of duty... I will keep it as long as possible. I may be able to spread it around a little next summer, but I do not know many indoor growers. Anyways, all that to say that I won't bother growing anything else once I get a mother plant.

I was thinking about growing 12/12 from seeds for a little while but decided to hold on that thought for a bit. I will play with veg time, feeding schedule and LST first. Seems like very few people are having the results that del6666 has. My main goal is to increase yield because as far as the WR x DT goes, quality is already top notch.

I will have to go down to 4 plants (total of five with the mother) as soon as C-10 bill passes (Canada), just because I have already too much to lose, I wanna stay in the minimum punishment bracket if ever... So my goal is to get at least 2 oz per plant. with the setup I have, this is what I need to be self-sufficient. And by self-sufficient I mean what I consume, not to pay for what the grow costs. I have yet to account all the cost of the grow just for the sake of comparison. But the joy of growing and smoking your own stuff, on top of not having to take deal with shady people and sometimes get shady product, is what makes it all worth it.


got 116 g of almost dry TD... just started to cure, but I shouldn't lose more than a few g's.

Run down is:

TD: about 110g
VK: 87g
WRx DT: 97g

Total of 294g, about 33g per plant.

I tried a bit of dried, uncured TD yesterday and it was pretty good. A bit harsh, but not so much for an uncured bud. Slow burning but it's not completely dry yet. Taste was ok, but the buzz was somewhat intense. It's not the best looking and there is quite a bit of immature seeds but I think it may be alright after all.


Got my microscope yesterday.

From the look of it I harvested a bit early on everything.

The most mature I can see is about 75% clear and 25% milky... and still very good!!!

Next grow, I'm gonna aim for trychs to be 25% clear and 75% milky.


I'm growing TD right now and I'm beggining week 7 of flowering. There is already 50% red hairs on her. Is this normal? I'm glad to see the red hairs, but from what I've read it seems way too early to have that much red hair yet... Any thoughts?