Tangerine dream leaf conundrum, please help !


Hey guys, my 3 ladies are now 3 weeks old. I started my first veg feed day before yesterday and have noticed that on two of my plants, the leaves are growing a bit funny, scrunching up a bit. I noticed today that on one of my plants, some orangy spots are appearing and its really worrying me.
Help would be much appreciated.
Im growing tangerine dream/barneys under 600w MH for veg, and have a 6" extractor which seems to be venting out just fine. In soil.
Ill attach some photos below to show the spots. I find it quite bizarre since one is growing splendidly whilst the two others arnt and they are receiving the same treatment/conditions.
Thx in advance


Well-Known Member
What are you doing for nutrient?
How close is the light to the plants. How's the heat near the plant.
This might be too much phosphorous.
Do you know what the soil pH is?
What kind of water do you use?


Well-Known Member
I grew this strain this past spring, and It wasn't a great yielder for me, I hope yours turn out better. The High is awesome FYI.


Well-Known Member
Either what Elfood said, or it could be from pH fluctuation. Mine did the same thing from having a too basic pH