Tall sprout?


i have 1 of my plants that sprouted a bit tall. i believe this is bc i didnt have the light close enough to it. is this going to cause problems at all? should i stress it? can i stress it this early? i have a pic to look at.


Whenever I am sprouting a bunch of seeds, they always seem to do this to me. Some will be really short and others seem to stretch like the one in your picture. I've found that it's really no indication of a problem and they usually even out. As long as you've got your light close enough, I wouldn't worry about it.


Active Member
i had this happen to all my plants and so far no problem with any of them, i notice that even when i lowered my light they still shot up like that,

Silky Shagsalot

Well-Known Member
you're correct sir! the light was too far away. as mentioned, you can bury some of the stem when x-planting. it's happened to me too. i usually prop it up with a few tooth-picks in case it decides to fall over.


haha cool shit. yah i figure it aint a big deal or nothin. im just curious. and its my dankest one so i want it to be done good.. hopin its a female too:peace:.


bongsmiliesame thing happend to mine i re planted it and burried the stem a little bit and lowerd my light and their doing just fine