Tall baby seedlings? No leaves


I have seedlings that just sprouted maybe 4 or five days ago and it only has one set of leaves and it is very tall. It seems to be growing up more so than new leaves, although I can see small tiny leaves starting to form, but my other plants did not have this problem. I was wondering maybe the light is too high and they are trying to reach the light (6 inches from tips) or what, any ideas?


Well-Known Member
Def your lights are too high, lower them as close as possible without burning the plants.


Thanks for the replies I have 5 100w cfl's about 4-6 inches away. I had them closer about 2 inches and they burned. They look healthy. Illcmove closer and watch closely these coming days


Well-Known Member
sounds to me its about time to harvest.. just kidding lower those cfl's and add some more light, i heard a sweet technique, use a flashlight a candle and a picture of the sun... best light there is! hahaha dont... just research man, google is your best friend


Well-Known Member
plant it all the way up to the original round things.. forget what they are called lol


I have two fans one intake one exhaust. I lowered the lights 2 inches away. Haha definantly near harvest they are about 3 inches tall. Lol thanks for all the info pics coming soon