Talking to the hydro guy


Well-Known Member
I like to buy a lot of my stuff local with cash, but when I'm talking to the hydro guy does he assume I'm growing cannabis, is there some plant I should use as a I'm growing x so he doesn't think I'm growing kale? I want to be able to ask about certain products and their affects, maybe even get some lighting advice but I don't want to get booted from the store( I got kicked out of a head shop once for saying bong, lol)

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Tomatoes grow almost exactly like cannabis. They even have indicas and sativas lol determinate maters are like indicas and indeterminate maters are like sativas. Also, tomatoes are one of the most grown backyard veggies.

I got kicked outta gas pipe for saying bong when I was in my early 20's lol so I feel you.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Don't ask the store for advice would be my suggestion. Not saying all but the ones I've dealt with have been more hindrance than help, and they have a vested interest in sell g you things. Read journals and other threads, use the search engine to find things you need to know. And yup as GG says talk tomatoes :).


Well-Known Member
If takin grow store advice look for honest answers,,,,

What's the best light?
The one with highest markup

What's the best nute?
The one with highest markup

As for what plant to discuss, if ya gotta, well it ain't tomato's While they do grow somewhat similarly they have very different needs with regard to a few things.

The only cash crop actually similar to our weed is Hops
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Well-Known Member
I was checking out their selection of lec lighting and trying to figure out a way to ask them if they tend to have the same cal mag uptake increase that people see with cobs and couldn't think of a way to ask without tipping them off haha , been reading about hops more lately since I found out it's our friend cannabis' closest cousin


Well-Known Member
My hydro store guy and I share pictures with eachother of our setups. We openly talk about bug issues, strain reviews, anything! I even recieved a skywalker OG cutting from him lol.
Just yesterday reps from a nutrient company came in and gave out hats and samples to the hydro shop employees, I had missed them by minutes. I really liked the hat so i traded him a nug for it :mrgreen::hump:

Im in Mass though so things are different.


Well-Known Member
Im very happy to shop at this place. Very honest employees. Im always asking questions and when i pick out a product if they know that there is a similar product out there for a better vlue they will suggest it for me.

Being that i just moved to Massachusetts most new customers at the shop get a discount card for 5% off. Telling him i just moved here and had to basically start over he upped my card to 10% I thought that was some stand up shit.

I have been to some shops in Florida nd they all fit the stereo type stigma hydroshop. I disliked em all


Well-Known Member
Really kicked outta a head shop for saying bong that's crazy guys at my local head shop are always toking in the back room and the guys at my hydro shop know exactly what your doing when you buy from them I remember when I first went in there I said I need some new bulbs for my hops so I can make beer and he laughed at me and said "hops sure" then continued to tell me about the strains he had going


Well-Known Member
I'm a bit north of Florida in one of those "decriminalised" states, getting more cannabis friendly, ($100 fine $40 court cost even though you don't go to court?) But the big reason to keep yourself on the dl here is although the pots just a fine there's this......
Drug Paraphernalia
It is illegal in [state] to manufacture, sell, or use drug paraphernalia (or possess paraphernalia with the intent to do so). Paraphernalia includes items used in growing, harvesting, processing, selling, storing, or using marijuana(papers, pipes, etc.). Penalties for possession include a fine of up to $750, up to 30 days in jail, or both. Selling paraphernalia may be punished with a fine of up to $1,000, up to 90 days in jail, or both. ([State]Rev. Code Ann. § 2925.04.)

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
If takin grow store advice look for honest answers,,,,

What's the best light?
The one with highest markup

What's the best nute?
The one with highest markup

As for what plant to discuss, if ya gotta, well it ain't tomato's While they do grow somewhat similarly they have very different needs with regard to a few things.

The only cash crop actually similar to our weed is Hops
I meant the universal code for growing pot not the needs of the plant.... But really I've grown both and used the same miracle grow on them years ago and both did very well. Don't use much miracle grow any more but it works lol.