talked to a guy who knows a guy


Well-Known Member
Who took a quarter once of mushrooms.

And called the police on hinself.

Now i understand the massive power that mushrooms have upon the conscience and the do right centers of the brain. I know the introspective angst and life examining properties a large dose of mushrooms can bring to ones conscious and unconscious existence.

I know that mushrooms above all can make you want to live a right and honirahonorable life (for this reasin alone they should be legal).

But, what demon could have possessed this poor man that he woul pick uo the phone and confess his possession of a controled substance?

Dont do that, wait an hour, call a friend, call your mom, post here, taje a walk, change the music, use your chant (bet he didnt have a chant).

Ive seen this happen before. We took lsa and shrooms. One guy took a few shots of everclear too. Next thing you know, hes naked trying to run out the house and destroying everything in his path. We tried stopping him for a while but i was more just letting it unfold and watching. Dont freak out around me because i wont help much lol. He eventually called 911 on himself and kept looking at the sky saying 'im guilty.yes it was me'. They found him a few blocks away, naked. So on top of a shitty trip he has to pay ambulance fee. Hilarious.

I could sort of tell something bad was going to happen before he took anything just from his attitude. The demon seemed like the weight of his guilt and bad karma built up.
People think mushrooms are gonna be mellow because they are natural. Taint the case. Pretty much every case of naked people fighting in the yard can be traced back to mushrooms. You read about it in the papers all the time. Naked men arrested fighting in front yard, officers unsure of what the fuck happened, suspect drugs might be involved.
My buddy told me this story about this guy who he had to go give a bag to once and it got me right in the funny bone. Apparently him and a couple other friends ate a bunch of mushrooms for their first time and somehow had convinced each other that they were going to die from food poisoning!
Apparently the kid who I met had shit himself before he called the cops and they all spent the rest of the night at the hospital. None of them ever did mushrooms again. Lol
That had me laughing so hard because I just met him and then later he tells me about that.
I had some very sheltered college kids my wife knew through work ask her for a bag,so she hooked em up..they came back 3 days later complaining nothing happened..told my wife "we ate the whole quarter.."..
They had gotten a bag of sheltered they didn't know the difference!
Good thing they didnt get boomers.
Nothing like getting the call from someone who ate the whole quarter of mushrooms. Fucking irresponsible drug users.
Listening to country music has the same effect on me where i want to tell on myself for shit i haven't been caught doin yet .

Two or 3 of those mopey ass lost my wife dog car & house songs has me wanting to tell my wife shit she hasn't busted me on yet .
Yea,these dumbasses hadn't smoked pot yet..they got pot,and thought they got mushrooms..we didn't know that's what they were asking they ate a quarter of pot thinking it was booms...bummer.

How is it even possible that they couldn't tell the difference between fungi and foliage?
The problem being is he took enough to get scared but not enough to break from reality...when I've been liquid being forced pulled pushed morphed and recast by what ever it is no phone could help me knowing I have eyes and that I can open them become so foreign and far removed as to be non existent
Dont do that, wait an hour, call a friend, call your mom, post here, taje a walk, change the music, use your chant (bet he didnt have a chant).

One of my first really hard trips on wild cubensis was in central Fla - a friend brought over a nice fresh sack & the album "Songs of the Humpback Whale". We put warm tomato soup & the shrooms in a blender & drank our soup (comfortably full, warm tummy - no puking).
It was an amazing journey - those Whale songs are very primal & it is hard to describe the amazing place my conciseness went to, but it was otherworldly.

After a couple of hours my ex became claustrophobic so she and I went for a drive & she began to come around when I spotted a snake crossing the rural road so I stopped. Sure enough it was a young Diamond back around 2.5' & of course I caught it and put it in a clear trash bag.
Once back at the house the other dudes wanted to see it & inevitably they began fucking with it causing it to strike the bag. I could see where this was going so I took it out on the back porch and "dispatched" it to save us a trip to the ER.

Good times!

Edit: Well, not for the snake I guess.